(Photo caption: the symbol of the satanic cult of the Illuminati was placed on the U.S. bills in 1935 by Henry Morgenthau, the father Genocide German)
Which mythological figure can be compared dissenting journalists? Some say Hercules, because the cleaning of the Augean stables. In fact, our task is rather poor compared to that of Sisyphus, punished by the gods for being too intelligent, was eternally push a boulder up a mountain of rock that fell consistently ... It's a little easier that is ours when it comes to fascism and the Second World War. In Le Figaro of October 2, 2003, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie (Institute) talking about Helena Blavatsky, the famous creator of the Luciferian Theosophy (sect whose members were especially Gandhi, Jung, Martin Buber, Bakunin, Trotsky, Lenin, Isadora Duncan, Theodor Reuss) and he ranked the spiritual mother of Nazism . Nothing less. Here is the restoration of historical truth for the readers of Le Figaro who do not read. Of Jewish origin and cousin of Count Witte Tsar's representative during the Russo-Japanese peace of 1905, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) is known to have founded a sect called "theosophy" in 1875 whose goal is "to erase Christianity from the face of the Earth "And advocating the cult of Isis in symbiosis with the Golden Dawn, an association that actually played a role in manipulating the Nazi Rudolf Hess and poor which the Bush family is a member. It will include a close F \\ Giuseppe Garibaldi, which is not specifically a reference to fascism in the company of the infamous F \\ Adriano Lemmi, one of the great thinkers of globalism with F \\ and F Albert Pike \\ Giuseppe Mazzini ... Let the work she left behind: in 1881, S \\ Annie Besant-Wood (1847-1933), his heir in 1891, will join the Democratic Federation, founded by Henry Mayer hyndmanni Marxists and Eleanor Marx (Karl's daughter, wife of Edward Aveling Theosophist). She said in particular Inquire Within The Light bearers of Darkness in 1930: "If you see one of us work for a particular movement in the world, know that it is part of the world, and this great plan: a new heaven and a new earth built on the ruins of ancient civilization. " Besant was also a member of the Fabian Society, a group aimed at creating a socialist, globalist technocratic and globally, established January 4, 1884 and plays a role in the formation of elites in Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard , Columbia, Johns Hopkins, London School of Economics ... Then comes the third high priestess, Alice Bailey (1880-1949). This will provide the Lucifer Trust, became the Lucis Trust in 1922, currently housed in Geneva at the offices of the World Jewish Congress, which includes organizations officially out of all suspicion as the Findhorn Foundation, the World Wild-life Foundation, Greenpeace, Amnesty International and collaborates closely with other organizations (The Open Journal No. 203, March 10, 2000). The Lucifer Trust (now Lucis Trust in 1922) has the stated goal the destruction of humanity. And not only there is no link between the LT and fascism, but precisely there are the worst enemies of National Socialism: the plutocracy U.S. and Soviet Communism ... Among the financial Luciferian cult, we find the Rockefeller Foundation, Rabbi Mark Tannenbaum of the American Jewish Congress (Come give orders at Vatican II) , the chairman of IBM, Robert MacNamara, the Theosophists, the Field family ... In 1947, the UWF (United World Federation) was founded by banker James Warburg (the famous bank that financed the USSR) and his fellow Norman Cousins, a member of the Lucis Trust. Similarly, Blavatsky had designs anti-Nazi and anti-fascists on the family domain. Where the Third Reich and the regime Mussolini advocated large families, Blavatsky was fierce of "birth control", the sinister Planned Parenthood is one of the creations of his sect through his disciple Margaret Sanger (contreairement that it was thought, Sanger is Irish is her husband who was Jewish), all funded by the Rockefeller Foundation ... member of the Lucis Trust! His disciple Besant advocated the destruction of the traditional family. Bailey, the third thief, advocating abortion, family limitation, genetic engineering and euthanasia ... We see that dear old Le Roy Ladurie has somewhat misled and that not only Blavastky is not a fascist, but she is totally involved in the model of society advocated by the victors in 1945 ... It is true that associating Blavatsky fascism can evade the real issue: who has applied the delusions of Blavatsky, that it is echoed? The answer is clear: even those who won WWII. And it was the Nazis and fascists who had won, it is not ...
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