( Legend: Table of 1866 representing a market for slaves in Islam. 1.25 million European women and children were abducted and sold as well. The last cases date back to 1962 in Algeria ...)
He is good in these time institutionalized historical lies, make a brief and useful historical background on the phenomenon of slavery, including the slave trade. The Europeans have played a role in this epiphenomenon of slavery was organized mainly by Jews. 5 Jews were aboard the ships of Columbus. This is one of them, Gabriel Sanchez, who - with the endorsement of four others - had captured 500 Indians to sell them to Seville. Spain expelled the Jews left for the Netherlands and founded the Dutch West Indies, the first slave was Levi Hayman, precursor of the triangular trade. It was surpassed by "genius" by his fellow Nicholas Lowe and Joseph Simon, Newport, created a network of 22 distilleries, selling rum to Indians and settlers, making them responsible for the massacres committed by them, dead drunk ... Newport became a Jewish city, the hub of the slave trade they had a virtual monopoly them and their fleet of 128 vessels, including those of Aaron Lopez from 1726 to 1774, controlled by itself 50% market and what are his fellow Sandiford Lay, Solomon, Benezet and Woolman who tried unsuccessfully to impose slavery in the northern states. Among the Jewish slave, include a certain Matthias Bush in Pennsylvania in the 19th century and John and Jacobus Rosenfeld, who had not yet changed their name to Roosevelt ... In France, the principal was a slave Mendes, who took the name Mendes-France to differentiate themselves from the rest of the tribe remained in Portugal, who was sentenced by the court of Louis XVI to release on the spot two black slaves he had brought to Europe. It is time for blacks compensate Jews for genocide in the same way that Germans have compensated ... Do not believe that Jews had a monopoly on slavery: if these last brought nearly 11 million blacks in America, their half-Arab brothers have brought as much where the Muslim crescent floated. They are 17 million blacks who were deported from 650 to 1920, more than a million and half dying in transit. A subject on slavery that would have the courage to address, especially now, is that committed by Muslims against the peoples of Western Europe by the American historian Robert Davis , 1.25 million West Europeans were captured and sold as slaves by the current inhabitants of the Maghreb. Already in the Renaissance, wrote: "The following June (1529) twelve galleys and some Fustes Moors stopped several days to the islands yesterday, did great on looting all ships passing by Christians there, "then they attacked and burned La Napoule they they did all the inhabitants prisoners, and the following year, they" fourragerent toust the soil of Toulon and yesterday to La Valette, carrying furniture, cattle, men , women, children Rancan to receive or to sell. " The past still weighs never atoned currently in relationships between French and North Africans, particularly in the field of ethnic rape (white girls are considered "whores harem," which explains the general complicity of those in beurettes rotating) or extortion (the Gauls are despised, the tradition of Barbary transmitted from mouth to mouth, Arab civilization is generally oral, and are considered fit only to be ransomed, legally or not ...). Forget this useful duty to remember with a personal example. A classmate Ivorian took one day having coffee with me because we had to work together. A black woman of America, in a fur coat, came to speak to his brother race and saw that he was African and not African American, she threw disdainfully: "You blacks from Africa, you're just monkeys come down from your trees . The Ivorian is the case to say, went into a rage ... black and rebuked the impudent, "Who are you to talk to me? You blacks of America you are a race of slaves. There, you're just good to be the slaves of whites and before you were our slaves to us as it is that we've sold to whites, do not forget, you were our slaves before their own. " In Negro veritas ...
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