Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Do Dogs Get Cold Sores On Lip

About the Night Crystal

(Photo caption: the famous art store munichos Bernheimer was protected during Kristallnacht by the SS on the orders of Hitler. Germany will pay dearly the stroke of Goebbels, who took a sordid pretext settlement of accounts of a gay couple to drop the SA on the Jews. He earned the hatred of Goering ...)
On 9 November 1938, broke the Kristallnacht in which, framed and excited by a handful of SA acting without orders, part of the German people violently attacked Jewish interests following what was in their eyes too much provocation ... Following the assassination of attache Ernst vom Rath on November 7 Herzl Gryspan (a Jew of 17 years has officially merged with his supervisor) that followed the destruction by bombing of the airship Hindenburg and the storming of Bremen by Jewish extremists in the port of New York, SA encouraged by Goebbels incited the pogrom. Note that the official version suits everyone, but it appears that there was no confusion. The victim had been killed by a young Jew in perfect knowledge of the facts, not mistaken identity thereof. Based on current research (and do not come, but then not at all, revisionist circles ...), the dashing German diplomat had simply been murdered by his young lover Jewish taken a fit of jealousy ... There is Interestingly, Goebbels, probably the most anti-Semitic Nazi leaders, is solely responsible for these abuses, as demonstrated by David Irving. Göring speak Nov. 10 "violence infamous! . Hitler personally went to Bavaria to stop the pogrom and was protected by the army some Jewish shops in Munich, as Bernheimer (art dealer). The same day, the little doctor had to suffer the wrath of successive Hitler and Göring. On 12 November, open cabinet, Göring thought these pogroms detrimental to the German economy. The toll was heavy: 35 Jews lynched, 190 synagogues damaged, 7,500 stores looted (the looting of Margraf, the famous Jewish jeweler in Berlin cost the Reich 1.7 million marks!). The simple glass display cases that occurred only Belgium had plunged to 6 million marks the German foreign trade. "That alone would be sufficient to you stick to the back wall! "Shouted Goebbels Göring. In retaliation, 20,000 Jews were arrested (but veterans of 14-18 were not involved) and the community had to pay a fine of 1 billion marks ... In mid-September 2003, 10 militant training categorized by the Mediation "neo-Nazi" were arrested with an arsenal found by German police as "the largest since the end of the Second World War." These "terrorists" had, according to the police planned to assassinate November 9 German President Johannes Rau, the chief executive Edmund Stoiber and Bavaria Jewish dignitaries who attended the laying of the foundation stone of a synagogue. As the American journalist dissident "Terrible Tommy": "Why send a dozen when a Palestinian infiltrated necessarily can do it alone? . At the same time, a "Holocaust Memorial" knew many disappointments: the company Degusda who had participated in the construction of 2,700 concrete stelae commemorate the supposed "millions of European Jewish victims of Nazi barbarity" had sold the insecticide "Zyklon B", invented by the Jew Fritz Haber (also inventor mustard gas, Nobel Prize 1918, expelled from Germany in 1933). This insecticide was heavily used to disinfect clothes full of vermin inmates to curb the epidemics of typhus, the Allied war propaganda accusing the Reich to have used this gas for the purpose of mass extermination, a task for which he does was not appropriate ...


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