(Caption: Pope of great piety, author of texts on the beautiful Catholic teaching, Pope Pius XII (whose beatification is the agenda) carried the boat of St. Peter in troubled times of World War II. Under his pontificate, the communists exterminated hundreds of thousands of Catholics. His Church protected all persecuted whatever were their religion, race or political opinion)
us once again in Le Figaro of Literary October 9, 2003 the famous sea serpent on the alleged collaboration of Pope Pius XII to the Holocaust. Among the contributions include that of Alexander Adler and Costa Gravas, two employees of communism anti-Catholic and who are also the first Jewish, Orthodox, for the second, two religions have particularly persecuted Catholics in the twentieth century. Brief overview of the main lies and historical errors that have crept here and there. Philippe Simmonot in "A pawn of Hitler ? "Multiplies the historically dubious and false allusions, with the usual occasional denial: denial of war crimes (especially rape) of the black troops of the French army during the occupation of the Ruhr, the negation of hatred against the Jewish Christians taught by the Talmud, which says that "anti-Judaism" of Christians is that self-defense, denying the predominantly Jewish character of communism without which nothing can understand from the 1933-1945 period ... Moreover, it talks about his silence before these Jews of Rome car trucks to the concentration camps. We heard more often the Pope protest against the excesses of Nazism as the boss of the World Jewish Congress against anti-Christian persecution of communism ... In "Back to silence, Gerard Leclerc, he continues to peddle analysis lapsed repeatedly denied, as eg Pius XI "obsessed" with the communist threat and less concerned by the Nazis. Cons-evident truth: besides the fact that Pius XI was released both English Catholics (which reminded him opportunely Ribbentrop in 1937 ...) that Mexican Catholics, he was right to focus most of its activity to the denunciation of communism . The Nazis did persecute the Catholics, who began serving Stalin during the war, that is to say what they did and not what they were. In the USSR, Catholics were persecuted because of their faith. The Nazis wanted to eradicate Judaism in Europe, including one Jewish religious dogma, massively applied in the USSR, is the extermination of Christians precisely as dictated by the Talmud. Besides, NOT A JEW, not one has risked his place in the USSR to rescue a Christian deportation to death camps in Siberia and this, while until 1939, they represented 40% of the members of the NKVD (then they do not represent 2% of Russia's population!) And 70% of its executives, including those of management of the Gulag! In all countries that have had the misfortune to fall into the clutches of the Red Army, Jews have collaborated heavily with it in every time there planning the extermination of Christians. For 2000 years, the war waged by the "chosen people" became "cursed people" against Christians unfolds relentlessly. And support one side is automatically opposed to another. In "Absolution? Yes but ... "Alexandre Adler illustrates perfectly I just said. Nephew of the founder of the infamous Romanian Securitate (Walter Roman), but also sinister son of a war criminal Kriegel-Valrimont (nicknamed "Criminal-Valrimont" member of "Murder" ... et Moselle), he accuses Pius XII's fight against communism "that was the game of Hitler! In "Pacelli knew it was you," Costa-Gravas persists in his anti-Catholic hatred characterized by the film Amen, devoted to Jewish property mythomaniac robber Kurt Gerstein, disgraced by the plan for this reason and ready to n ' Anything to get interesting, the Vatican has reversed his delusions. He also criticizes the Pope for not having supported Stalin. Finally, this series of articles is very interesting. It shows all the offense of former collaborators red to rehabilitate communism in time 'main opponent of Nazism. " There were no treatment in 1989 and the worst can happen again. This is why we must work tirelessly to do our duty to remember and prove through testimony and documents, it is not communism that made dam "the Nazi horror, but the National socialism which saved us from the horror ... Communist
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