Wednesday, August 30, 2006

How Much Woolite To Use In He

About Mass Lille (08/29/1976)

(Caption: where is this church to the crowd like 1000 other chapels tradilandaises? Aquitaine? Bavaria? Wisconsin? Valais? L 'architectre building gives the answer: New Zealand ...)
Lille, 29 August 1976. One of the hottest summers of the century draws to a close. Hot on the climate plan: hit by the heatwave, France chokes. It has not rained for nearly three months. Hot in sport: the championship after crushing, AS Saint-Etienne has fallen with the honors in the final of the Champions' Cup against Bayern Munich to see the Free Arverne No. 187). Hot on the political level: the Prime Minister, an ambitious young wolf named Jacques Chirac, betrays President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing after betraying Chaban-Delmas two years earlier. He was replaced at Matignon its adequacy rondissime Raymond Barre, Joffre promoted an economy that will be the Gamelin ... On the religious spirits are also heated. August was a real show of force in tradition of Catholicism. More than a thousand Catholic traditions attend Mass on August 15 at Lanvallay (Cotes-du-Nord), 500 Lametz (Ardennes), where the abbot Mouroux pronounce these words that summarize the whole battle for the True Mass: " We have now entered a titanic struggle between the Catholic Church and the conciliar " ... Two months earlier, June 29, Archbishop Lefebvre was ordained 15 priests, which earned him a suspense divinis. Logical conclusion of a long persecution initiated February 13, 1975. Following an inspection Ecône November 13, 1974 without acting on official mission, Archbishop Lefebvre was convened in a kind of Maoist court presided over by Cardinal Garrone that compared to Athanasius and called him a fool, as was at the same time in Plioutch The USSR ... May 9, 1975, the Bishop of Fribourg, Mgr Mamie, had wanted from his goodwill delete the Society of St. Pius X created with the blessing of his predecessor Bishop Charriere November 1 1970, decision struck at the very least ten cases of nullity. The tension was rising crescendo, maintained by the mediate. Some time ago, one of the pioneers of Tradition, Paul Scortesco, Romanian dissident, was found burned to death in his bed, probably killed by the Securitate.

On this day of the beheading of John the Baptist, Archbishop Lefebvre celebrated a Mass in the premises of the Trade Fair of Lille in front of 10,000 people from not only all over France, but across Western Europe. His sermon, applauded by the faithful, criticizes the drift of the Church. However, it also reveals the man exception that was the prelate. In her soft voice that used pension Saint Ignatius familiar, he said: " I will not be the leader of the traditionalists, and I am not the point. Why? Because I too am a single Catholic priest certainly, certainly bishop, but am in the same condition as you are and who have the same reaction to the destruction of the Church, before the destruction of our Faith in front of the ruins that accumulate our eyes. " He spoke of Senator Prélot " We (liberals) have fought for a century and a half to uphold our views within the church, and we have not succeeded. Finally came Vatican II and we triumphed. Now theses and principles of liberal Catholicism is definitely and officially accepted by the Holy Church . This famous liberalism condemned by the Syllabus of the late Pope Pius IX. With a conviction to move mountains, the former Archbishop continued: " what made the Revolution is nothing compared to what Vatican II did " It was the ultimate the victory of the devil to destroy the Church through obedience . The press, including the very fashionable Figaro blames Archbishop Lefebvre. The journalist claims to give a lesson in catechism. His name is Dominique Jamet. He is now working to Marianne, a weekly secular fundamentalist .. It's just that in Le Figaro on August 4, Lefebvre said " Since the Pope would move away from this tradition (the living tradition of the Church that Christians must be united in space and time), it would be schismatic. It would break with the Church. Theologians such as St. Robert Bellarmine, Catejan, Cardinal Journet and others have studied this possibility. This is not an inconceivable thing . He even declared: "The heresy, schism, excommunication ipso facto, the invalidity of the election are possible causes that may not make a pope has ever been or would be more " . The French episcopate, puffed up with pride, plagued by the Masonic infiltration since 1849 and communist since 1935, looked with contempt the thousands of faithful who point to his treachery. "Only a few fundamentalists moaning yet on the rally, are the few troops of Archbishop Lefebvre. Rome can strike, "declared the Cardinal Bishops Villot. In his book, published in 1977 Monsignor Lefebvre, Jean-Anne Chalet AFP Traditionalists saw in a flash in the pan that will soon be extinguished. Same analysis in 1988 with Patrice de Plunkett who assured the Cardinal Ratzinger that 80% of the faithful of Tradition rally the Fraternity of St. Peter.

Thirty years later, what is the result of the courageous gesture of Archbishop Lefebvre? A generation has passed. Lefebvre, Mgr-Bourget Ducaud were recalled to God. Seniors who in 1976 were supposed to be the most faithful of tradition have left this world. Paul VI gave an account of his actions before the Almighty. He succeeded John Paul I, Pope probably murdered because he was one of reconciliation. Then John Paul II, who infiltrated the Marrano, after 25 years of pontificate had become a two-faced Janus, sanctifying grace by his work. Now, the boat of St. Peter is in the hands of Benedict XVI, who seems to return wanderings modernists. If tradition was depicted as the enemies, it would have long since disappeared, like a flame is slowly dying for lack of fuel. However, it is rather conciliar church crumbling before our eyes. In the beginning, the tradition was a small flame flickering atop a candle. Men and women taking their destiny in hand, looking across France where churches to practice their faith schools for their children. There were only ruins, some old priests, only two schools really Catholics (Malvières for girls, The Péraudière for boys). So they built and financed, sparing neither time nor their strength nor their money. Good schools, seminaries, chapels, priories ... This was the generation 77-88 years, the generation fighter. But there comes a time in any "lightning war" where we must take care of the back: resupply units proven to maintain cohesion between the vanguard and the rearguard and consolidate positions. Could no longer be satisfied with farmhouses, sheds constructed in a hurry. This was the time when the chapels were built or purchased, where tradition is enriched by four bishops, where the network of schools, priories, chapels covered the whole of France. The children of the previous generation had become adults. The gap has widened more and more with the rest of the country. Privately held with more and more social surface, tradition has lost its financial wealth. But she has another treasure, which easily supersedes the previous one: its children. The old "trades" of 1975 had a little more than the rest of the country: 3. Between 1980 and 2005, the fertility rate of women in the tradition passed from 4 children per woman on average to 7 (6.9 exact). Hence dynamic schools and vocations. Less income and more children is the progressive death of the bourgeois spirit. This was the generation of the years 88-02, the generation invigorating. 2002 marked a new divide between traditionalist community and the rest of the country. The term Tradiland born. A nation was formed, a true "immigrant community" in what was once their country. The explosion of the Front National and the updating of Marine Le Pen led to their virtual withdrawal of French politics the only link they had left. Ignominiously driven out of the conciliar church, they see the Pope multiply deals, each time higher, for a homecoming. With their population growing and the excellence of their system, they could correct the course of the church nave if Benedict XVI gives them a status similar to Opus Dei is to say, extra-diocesan and allowing us to keep our heritage intact. Once done, the last obstacle to the creation of a country by us to be lifted. This is the post-02 generation, generation re-conquering.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Where To Buy A Luna Lovegood Hat

About Colonel Argoud

Last Post. Colonel Antoine Argoud, former OAS, died June 10, 2004 at the age of 89. Born June 26, 1914 at Darney (88), Ecole Polytechnique (class of 1934) chose armor that he was one of the brightest officers, including during his visit to the headquarters of Marshal de Lattre de Tassigny. In 1954, he invented the "brigade Javelin" attached to the 7th Division (Besançon) and whose emblem was a centaur throwing a pilum. This division of the French army had to intervene in Germany in case of Soviet invasion as a unit of the second wave and was equipped with the Strike Force at the tactical level (strategic strike force stationed in tray Albion in the Vaucluse, was protected by the 150th DI), hence the need to protect it.

During the war of Algeria, Colonel Argoud was under the command of General Massu died recently (see The Free Arverne No. 2). He developed the "techniques of psychological operations" that enabled him to gain world fame, as they are still taught in schools as an officer of the U.S. military and they knew even as they served as literary consecration frame in the comic series La Zizanie Asterix where these theories were used successfully by Tullius Detritus and Legionnaires Savantcosinus ... Soon he notes that this war is "an episode of the struggle between the Communist world and the Western world." and develop a "social agenda" to reconcile with the military elite. Referred by Debra in France following the "Day of the Barricades," he decides to participate in resisting military action to topple the tyrant De Gaulle ... On 26 April 1961, he arrived in Oran, but learns that all is consumed. Sentenced to death on July 17, he took refuge in Spain which is then haven for outlaws. Interned in the Canaries, he escapes and organizes a tour underground barracks where many young Officers are giving it their support.

February 25 1963 he was kidnapped in Germany by three famous mafia which is found later in the Ben Barka affair: George Boucheseiche Jean Palisse and Julien Le Ny. All experience a tragic end in pursuing the matter in question: Boucheseiche and Le Ny will be liquidated by the Moroccan police on the orders of Dlimi in 1971 ... tortured for 15 days by the Gaullist political police, then it will be returned to the national police. In December 1963 he was sentenced to life imprisonment. 24 July 1968, he was pardoned by a De Gaulle prepared to do anything to protect themselves from some stateless rowdy ... He will return in the Vosges walk through Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises to the chagrin of his executioner, who wanted to deny access ... Without resources, because the reserve colonel has denied amnesty for their decorations and their pensions, it becomes handwriting expert to the court in Nancy, was also consulted in the case of the drowning of little Gregory.

As a testament, he said a few weeks before joining the Wild Geese: "France is lost to human sight. The low birth rate constitutes the main cause. The chaos has settled into society in France is the result of the absence of the three factors essential to its survival: the birth rate, the total absence of authority and the absence of public morals. " Colonel, France is dead and it Dogol De Gaulle, who was killed. My generation, who were born after 68, woke up one morning to find that he had hidden the true death of his mother, replaced by a stepmother. Now that we are condemned to live in hope waiting for a new country to be France without France, but are the same as when we can give free rein to our cultural identity. We have nothing, if our dreams and hopes. So sir, I can not give you that. Our new home tradilandaise you honor: a military academy, a regiment, a department of psychological warfare, an avenue ... no one knows yet what will your name. But your memory, our memory will be honored. Colonel Antoine Argoud? Present!

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About Case Sheets

(Caption: unhappily married to a scheming, the naive Syveton pay with his life for his fight against scum Masonic)
Everyone knows the Dreyfus affair, named after the Jewish officer accused of spying for Germany and, following a virulent press campaign launched by powerful financial related to him by blood ties, will be milled although serious doubts hanging over his innocence (see The Free Arverne No. 10). But never the regime's propaganda does not recall what was a matter far worse because having shattered the lives of entire families: the Case Sheets. Under the anti-Christian tyranny of the Third Republic, hundreds of officers have been driven from the army blocked their progress, sometimes reduced to abject poverty for the sole crime of being Catholic or have a woman going to church ... and to stifle his shenanigans, the government will go up mason and laïcard 'to kill twice to finally silence those who had revealed the truth. As in all cases of leakage, it is the resentment of a man, namely a high-ranking Masonic, which will precipitate the case. Furious at being denied a promotion to house the sect to which he felt he was entitled, Jean-Baptiste Bidegain, former renegade Catholic, will contact a nationalist MP, Gabriel Syveton. Ready to wreak vengeance against his F \\, it will give the elected the famous cards he was stealing into the coffers of the Mafia skinned pig.

The nature of the documents is striking. These are real cards informers who, in defiance of their "declaration of human rights" were intended to persecute people based on their political views and religious beliefs, usually written in terms of foul language. The grounds for exclusion of promotions are staggering: a woman who goes to mass, an officer who attended the first communion of his son, schoolchildren and even the Jesuit vocation in the family and the promotion goodbye ... When there is no "evidence" of the supposed non-secularism of the accused, it dirties his privacy by gossip even less verified to be false: player, pedophile, prevaricating, informers masons no shortage of adjectives to assign to others their own turpitude. Other system typically Republican opponent to silence, the famous concept of "disturbing public order" which can all both forbid priests to wear a cassock in the street, a nationalist bookstore opened its doors, a dissident historian to teach or, in this case, a Catholic officer to be promoted.

is November 4, 1904 and the days that followed the scandal will really explode. General Andre slapped Syveton, Minister of War to the origin of the case and protected from disaster Galliffet General, in full House of Representatives. A few days earlier, on October 28, Jean Guyot de Villeneuve was arrested Andre in the gallery and read more of these public records. Immediately the triangle of distress was made in Parliament and the government initially denied any knowledge of these acts, but, given the abundance of evidence, promised to stop such practices. At bay, the Yeomen of the regime used their secret weapon: the Syveton own wife who murdered her husband and 8 December 1904 to disguise the murder as suicide, just as it would go again in the House to refer the 'final blow to the government. The regime had parried the blow with its usual procedures

... It is interesting to compare the evolution of the various protagonists of the case. In camp informers, General Percin gave Lille the Germans in 1914, Captain Mollin disappeared in Africa, Colonel Valabrègue be sacked by Joffre in 1915, similar to Captain Bernard, who showed his incompetence in Ypres, Lieutenant-Colonel Sarrail failed miserably in the Argonne and was deprived of all command in 1917, Captain Humbert is arrested for high treason and acquitted in 1918 in favor of the minority in 1919 ... Bidegain committed suicide in 1926. On the other hand, Guyot de Villeneuve was assassinated in 1907 by a nurse F \\ ... Most of the officers protected by the masons proved zero so that Joffre, however, F \\ also, the end of 1914, sacked officers promoted Catholic broken by the regime. Within months, they showed such qualities which had deprived the country they climbed up the hierarchy in record time: 14 of the 19 officers who, from August to December 1914 were promoted twice, had been broken by General Andre . Among them, Petain, Maud'hui, of Urbal, Mitry, Cadoudal, Fayolle ... All made a most glorious war!

Numerous lessons were learned from this Case Sheets. The first is that we consider Republic as sub-human. As with all crimes against Catholics pig, the response was the same: it is unfortunate we do redo more. Not a pardon, not a work of memory, not the least compensation. Worse, the system continued until 1912 sheets or more and then resumed after the war until 1940. But this time, France does not fall away. The second is that any negotiations with the Republic, in any form whatsoever is prohibited. It should be borne in mind that any fight against the pig is a fight to death. His attitude during the Case Sheets is symptomatic. She played the deterioration of the situation, Catholics asleep with false promises that she has obviously never held, such as back in the grade they deserved officers discriminated. We must never, under any circumstances, negotiate with supporters of the Republic. They have always betrayed, never at any time, respected his word, whether in Quiberon, at the Sheets case in 1919 when the case of the Grand Bornand and a few others. To think about the future. When we reach out is that they are desperate and the other hand conceals a dagger.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tobie Percival Images

About the USSR

(Legend of the design: Displays the Bolshevik peril in Europe. The sacrifice of Germany June 22, 1941 saved half the continent)

The second issue of the journal Our friend Jean Plantin is worthy of the first delivery. If the first issue had a strong connotation of "Nippon", the second is rather devoted to Russia with articles by Mark Weber (USA), Mykhailo Seleshko (Ukraine-Canada) and Daniel Michaels (USA), plus Articles by Pierre Guillaume on a different subject: his past friendship with some Lionel Jospin. The first article concerns a taboo of taboos: the massive collaboration of the Jewish community with the Communist horror that begins by the murder of the imperial family (including one learns that the pretty little princesses were completed at the bayonet). The decision was taken jointly by Lenin and Sverdlov. What follows is overwhelming evidence, names and facts to substantiate the role played by Jews in the communist barbarism. Then a thick file of 58 pages on the graves of Vinnista where 20,000 people, mainly young men but also young Ukrainian girls, have been exterminated, Agenda political commissar Levitsky and Kagan, a relative of Stalin himself as Jewish. The goal was to completely eradicate all resistance in Ukraine by exterminating the forces of the nation. At the city level, the extermination was performed by Abramovich and his deputy Rosenbaum. The NKVD local security section and the special section were also led by three son of Israel Sokolinski, and Chyrin Tomtchynski. Sordid detail, the female corpses were dressed in the pit for the older women naked ... but for the younger leaving easily guess their fate. We find even when opening mass graves in 1942 the corpse of a pregnant woman who was buried alive, had given birth in the pit. Ukrainian Jews who had not fled with the Red Army will pay for their crimes from 1941 to 1944 ... The following articles refer to plan the invasion of Europe by the Soviet Union planned for July 15, 1941 (originally it was scheduled for June 12 but was postponed, which will be fatal to the plan Stalinist). We learn that Stalin had mobilized its army since 1939 and outclassed Germany in all fields, including the Navy. The Soviets fielded thousands of heavy tanks cons ... 309 medium tanks for Germans, 5 Army Corps paratroopers cons 2 divisions, 13,000 aircraft against 2,500, 6 times more guns and U.S. aid since the secret agreements of 1938! On June 22, 1941, Germany has sacrificed for our freedom. Let us never forget.

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About Slavery

( Legend: Table of 1866 representing a market for slaves in Islam. 1.25 million European women and children were abducted and sold as well. The last cases date back to 1962 in Algeria ...)
He is good in these time institutionalized historical lies, make a brief and useful historical background on the phenomenon of slavery, including the slave trade. The Europeans have played a role in this epiphenomenon of slavery was organized mainly by Jews. 5 Jews were aboard the ships of Columbus. This is one of them, Gabriel Sanchez, who - with the endorsement of four others - had captured 500 Indians to sell them to Seville. Spain expelled the Jews left for the Netherlands and founded the Dutch West Indies, the first slave was Levi Hayman, precursor of the triangular trade. It was surpassed by "genius" by his fellow Nicholas Lowe and Joseph Simon, Newport, created a network of 22 distilleries, selling rum to Indians and settlers, making them responsible for the massacres committed by them, dead drunk ... Newport became a Jewish city, the hub of the slave trade they had a virtual monopoly them and their fleet of 128 vessels, including those of Aaron Lopez from 1726 to 1774, controlled by itself 50% market and what are his fellow Sandiford Lay, Solomon, Benezet and Woolman who tried unsuccessfully to impose slavery in the northern states. Among the Jewish slave, include a certain Matthias Bush in Pennsylvania in the 19th century and John and Jacobus Rosenfeld, who had not yet changed their name to Roosevelt ... In France, the principal was a slave Mendes, who took the name Mendes-France to differentiate themselves from the rest of the tribe remained in Portugal, who was sentenced by the court of Louis XVI to release on the spot two black slaves he had brought to Europe. It is time for blacks compensate Jews for genocide in the same way that Germans have compensated ... Do not believe that Jews had a monopoly on slavery: if these last brought nearly 11 million blacks in America, their half-Arab brothers have brought as much where the Muslim crescent floated. They are 17 million blacks who were deported from 650 to 1920, more than a million and half dying in transit. A subject on slavery that would have the courage to address, especially now, is that committed by Muslims against the peoples of Western Europe by the American historian Robert Davis , 1.25 million West Europeans were captured and sold as slaves by the current inhabitants of the Maghreb. Already in the Renaissance, wrote: "The following June (1529) twelve galleys and some Fustes Moors stopped several days to the islands yesterday, did great on looting all ships passing by Christians there, "then they attacked and burned La Napoule they they did all the inhabitants prisoners, and the following year, they" fourragerent toust the soil of Toulon and yesterday to La Valette, carrying furniture, cattle, men , women, children Rancan to receive or to sell. " The past still weighs never atoned currently in relationships between French and North Africans, particularly in the field of ethnic rape (white girls are considered "whores harem," which explains the general complicity of those in beurettes rotating) or extortion (the Gauls are despised, the tradition of Barbary transmitted from mouth to mouth, Arab civilization is generally oral, and are considered fit only to be ransomed, legally or not ...). Forget this useful duty to remember with a personal example. A classmate Ivorian took one day having coffee with me because we had to work together. A black woman of America, in a fur coat, came to speak to his brother race and saw that he was African and not African American, she threw disdainfully: "You blacks from Africa, you're just monkeys come down from your trees . The Ivorian is the case to say, went into a rage ... black and rebuked the impudent, "Who are you to talk to me? You blacks of America you are a race of slaves. There, you're just good to be the slaves of whites and before you were our slaves to us as it is that we've sold to whites, do not forget, you were our slaves before their own. " In Negro veritas ...

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About the Night Crystal

(Photo caption: the famous art store munichos Bernheimer was protected during Kristallnacht by the SS on the orders of Hitler. Germany will pay dearly the stroke of Goebbels, who took a sordid pretext settlement of accounts of a gay couple to drop the SA on the Jews. He earned the hatred of Goering ...)
On 9 November 1938, broke the Kristallnacht in which, framed and excited by a handful of SA acting without orders, part of the German people violently attacked Jewish interests following what was in their eyes too much provocation ... Following the assassination of attache Ernst vom Rath on November 7 Herzl Gryspan (a Jew of 17 years has officially merged with his supervisor) that followed the destruction by bombing of the airship Hindenburg and the storming of Bremen by Jewish extremists in the port of New York, SA encouraged by Goebbels incited the pogrom. Note that the official version suits everyone, but it appears that there was no confusion. The victim had been killed by a young Jew in perfect knowledge of the facts, not mistaken identity thereof. Based on current research (and do not come, but then not at all, revisionist circles ...), the dashing German diplomat had simply been murdered by his young lover Jewish taken a fit of jealousy ... There is Interestingly, Goebbels, probably the most anti-Semitic Nazi leaders, is solely responsible for these abuses, as demonstrated by David Irving. Göring speak Nov. 10 "violence infamous! . Hitler personally went to Bavaria to stop the pogrom and was protected by the army some Jewish shops in Munich, as Bernheimer (art dealer). The same day, the little doctor had to suffer the wrath of successive Hitler and Göring. On 12 November, open cabinet, Göring thought these pogroms detrimental to the German economy. The toll was heavy: 35 Jews lynched, 190 synagogues damaged, 7,500 stores looted (the looting of Margraf, the famous Jewish jeweler in Berlin cost the Reich 1.7 million marks!). The simple glass display cases that occurred only Belgium had plunged to 6 million marks the German foreign trade. "That alone would be sufficient to you stick to the back wall! "Shouted Goebbels Göring. In retaliation, 20,000 Jews were arrested (but veterans of 14-18 were not involved) and the community had to pay a fine of 1 billion marks ... In mid-September 2003, 10 militant training categorized by the Mediation "neo-Nazi" were arrested with an arsenal found by German police as "the largest since the end of the Second World War." These "terrorists" had, according to the police planned to assassinate November 9 German President Johannes Rau, the chief executive Edmund Stoiber and Bavaria Jewish dignitaries who attended the laying of the foundation stone of a synagogue. As the American journalist dissident "Terrible Tommy": "Why send a dozen when a Palestinian infiltrated necessarily can do it alone? . At the same time, a "Holocaust Memorial" knew many disappointments: the company Degusda who had participated in the construction of 2,700 concrete stelae commemorate the supposed "millions of European Jewish victims of Nazi barbarity" had sold the insecticide "Zyklon B", invented by the Jew Fritz Haber (also inventor mustard gas, Nobel Prize 1918, expelled from Germany in 1933). This insecticide was heavily used to disinfect clothes full of vermin inmates to curb the epidemics of typhus, the Allied war propaganda accusing the Reich to have used this gas for the purpose of mass extermination, a task for which he does was not appropriate ...

Red Mucurs Discharge When Period Is Due

About the reserve colonel De Gaulle

(Poster reads: De Gaulle General (actually reserve colonel) micro "after the phony-war (" pun English both "war sound "and" phony war ", translation of our "phony war"), the phony-warrior.
The truth scares the zealots of power. The ultimate weapon of the beleaguered regime is censorship, whether on the issue of immigration-invasion or the Second World War. The villain who tries to tell the truth immediately lynched financially, professionally broken ... Recently, it's another deception related to the Second World War who has wavered: De Gaulle himself. The devil often with stone, it's one of our worst enemies, Georges-Marc Benamou, who for reasons of strict international trade (see The Free Arverne No. 54) felt compelled to shoot the usurper ... Immediately, the Jewish press, mainly Le Figaro Magazine and Marianne, rushed to the aid of one who has served as the Because of Eretz Israel before being heavily punished in 1968-1969 for his infidelity alone ... In the Journal of Dassault man who nonetheless had wanted to eliminate de Gaulle in 1962 (it had been the principal funder of the OAS through some Giscard d'Estaing, who was eyeing on ... Matignon), a huge 16-page dossier on the character: "De Gaulle, what remains of the legend ? "... Under the auspices of F \\ Max Gallo, painting a portrait with rose water to foul character. Men of all the betrayals, all the denials, the man who destroyed France has become something of an icon ... It must be remembered, the screaming, the serine to burnout: De Gaulle went to the Germans like a coward in Douaumont in 1916 and will need all the protection of Petain not to be considered a deserter. He suffered a crushing defeat in 1940 Moncornet that its services have turned into a propaganda victory, the real victory is that of Arras, where the army British defeated an elite unit of the SS Totenkopf's! He left London on a mission and stayed there only because the British, needing a two-star any, had sabotaged his plane to prevent it from returning. It is usually only a few weeks left, the decision of 22 June 1940 signed by the Minister of War of the Third Republic (not Vichy), put him to retire with the rank of colonel in the reserves. In 1943 he falsified his book Towards a professional army, adding considerations on Armour who pose as visionary. He restored in 1944 the ignoble Cremieux decree that we have lost the confidence of the Arabs. He left, sometimes encouraged the Communists to kill 97,000 to 150,000 people from 1944 to 1946. He delivered the Harkis butchers FLN. He made us lose Algeria and the Empire after having lied to the Blackfoot ... He withdrew France from NATO to help the Soviet Union that he has always admired. He delivered under the guise of "modernization" of the French economy to global cartel stateless (see the book by Henry Coston, the financiers who run the world) ... In 1968 as in 1916, 1940, 1946, he fled courageously like a thief in front adversity, taking refuge in the lattice of tearful Massu, imploring the aid of the army against some young brawlers he will get the price of humiliating amnesty resistant OAS Marianne ... In the November 3, c is JFK himself up to the plate: "New attack against General de Gaulle", which is a whacked against his former friend and co-religionist Benamou. And calling to his assistance nothing less than fanatical Zionist Trotsko-Vidal-Naquet, a specialist in ancient Greece and a doctor without a thesis, which actually makes it suitable to talk about the Second World War and the War Algeria, its former co FLN. With his customary elegance, he said: "This book is a shit" and Benamou accuses of having "largely inflated figure of harkis killed when he was only given to official figures that everybody knows. Always the eternal denial of anti-France. Benjamin Stora, the same tribe, claims that "nothing hidden" on the war in Algeria, which brings a smile ... Always in the same ethnic group, Pierre Joxe, son of the criminal, who was the "Papon" genocide Harki, fumed: "We did the trial the peacemakers. " Same story with Mesmer, which of course shows the old arguments of high finance stateless on the fact that we could not keep Algeria and minimizes his role and that of the Genocide Joxe Harki. We are entitled to ask: why Jewry clings Does a De Gaulle as the rope supports the hanged man? The answer is very simple: because De Gaulle (including Armand Bernardini, the eminent (and oh so unbearable) erudite specialist in onomastics stubbornly swore in No. 7 of The Ethnic French in January 1943 that his name came from the Hebrew Dogol, "which glorifies") could refuse nothing to the Synagogue, so much so that the Francistes 23 June 1941 and lampooned: "De Gaulle called now: Galileo! . Recovery Cremieux decree, the government presence Blum, Debre, Joxe, Chaban, Neuwirth, Foccart ... strong support for the Soviet Union financed by the bank Warburg, planned destruction of small businesses in favor of trusts ... must be applied with a extreme zeal "jurisprudence Vichy" and eradicate leprosy Gaullist with its own weapons. First, it must be recognized legally genocide German 1945-1950, Genocide harki and communism as an ideology who have committed crimes against humanity. Then, show the collaboration of De Gaulle with these three facts now barred. Then the rest will fall by itself: the name of De Gaulle will be up to obloquy and the one that poisoned the French soul for thirty years back in the dustbin of history which should never have left ...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What Gas Stations Sell Condoms In The Bathroom

About theosophy

(Photo caption: the symbol of the satanic cult of the Illuminati was placed on the U.S. bills in 1935 by Henry Morgenthau, the father Genocide German)
Which mythological figure can be compared dissenting journalists? Some say Hercules, because the cleaning of the Augean stables. In fact, our task is rather poor compared to that of Sisyphus, punished by the gods for being too intelligent, was eternally push a boulder up a mountain of rock that fell consistently ... It's a little easier that is ours when it comes to fascism and the Second World War. In Le Figaro of October 2, 2003, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie (Institute) talking about Helena Blavatsky, the famous creator of the Luciferian Theosophy (sect whose members were especially Gandhi, Jung, Martin Buber, Bakunin, Trotsky, Lenin, Isadora Duncan, Theodor Reuss) and he ranked the spiritual mother of Nazism . Nothing less. Here is the restoration of historical truth for the readers of Le Figaro who do not read. Of Jewish origin and cousin of Count Witte Tsar's representative during the Russo-Japanese peace of 1905, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) is known to have founded a sect called "theosophy" in 1875 whose goal is "to erase Christianity from the face of the Earth "And advocating the cult of Isis in symbiosis with the Golden Dawn, an association that actually played a role in manipulating the Nazi Rudolf Hess and poor which the Bush family is a member. It will include a close F \\ Giuseppe Garibaldi, which is not specifically a reference to fascism in the company of the infamous F \\ Adriano Lemmi, one of the great thinkers of globalism with F \\ and F Albert Pike \\ Giuseppe Mazzini ... Let the work she left behind: in 1881, S \\ Annie Besant-Wood (1847-1933), his heir in 1891, will join the Democratic Federation, founded by Henry Mayer hyndmanni Marxists and Eleanor Marx (Karl's daughter, wife of Edward Aveling Theosophist). She said in particular Inquire Within The Light bearers of Darkness in 1930: "If you see one of us work for a particular movement in the world, know that it is part of the world, and this great plan: a new heaven and a new earth built on the ruins of ancient civilization. " Besant was also a member of the Fabian Society, a group aimed at creating a socialist, globalist technocratic and globally, established January 4, 1884 and plays a role in the formation of elites in Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard , Columbia, Johns Hopkins, London School of Economics ... Then comes the third high priestess, Alice Bailey (1880-1949). This will provide the Lucifer Trust, became the Lucis Trust in 1922, currently housed in Geneva at the offices of the World Jewish Congress, which includes organizations officially out of all suspicion as the Findhorn Foundation, the World Wild-life Foundation, Greenpeace, Amnesty International and collaborates closely with other organizations (The Open Journal No. 203, March 10, 2000). The Lucifer Trust (now Lucis Trust in 1922) has the stated goal the destruction of humanity. And not only there is no link between the LT and fascism, but precisely there are the worst enemies of National Socialism: the plutocracy U.S. and Soviet Communism ... Among the financial Luciferian cult, we find the Rockefeller Foundation, Rabbi Mark Tannenbaum of the American Jewish Congress (Come give orders at Vatican II) , the chairman of IBM, Robert MacNamara, the Theosophists, the Field family ... In 1947, the UWF (United World Federation) was founded by banker James Warburg (the famous bank that financed the USSR) and his fellow Norman Cousins, a member of the Lucis Trust. Similarly, Blavatsky had designs anti-Nazi and anti-fascists on the family domain. Where the Third Reich and the regime Mussolini advocated large families, Blavatsky was fierce of "birth control", the sinister Planned Parenthood is one of the creations of his sect through his disciple Margaret Sanger (contreairement that it was thought, Sanger is Irish is her husband who was Jewish), all funded by the Rockefeller Foundation ... member of the Lucis Trust! His disciple Besant advocated the destruction of the traditional family. Bailey, the third thief, advocating abortion, family limitation, genetic engineering and euthanasia ... We see that dear old Le Roy Ladurie has somewhat misled and that not only Blavastky is not a fascist, but she is totally involved in the model of society advocated by the victors in 1945 ... It is true that associating Blavatsky fascism can evade the real issue: who has applied the delusions of Blavatsky, that it is echoed? The answer is clear: even those who won WWII. And it was the Nazis and fascists who had won, it is not ...

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About Admiral Rogge

(Legend: as Lewinski von Manstein and Milch, the Jewish origins of Rogge did not prevent him from becoming one of the officers of Hitler's favorite. He served the regime with a fidelity never faulted ).
one high intellectual, this historical review Maverick led by our colleague Balbino Katz, gives a large place in Germany. For starters, a very interesting article on the best naval officer of the Third Reich, the captain Bernhard Rogge, a Jew faithful to his country. Faced with grime imbecility of a small local apparatchik, the Kreisleiters (similar to a general counsel) Eutin, Rogge asked for protection Führer through Admiral Räder. The chief of the German petty leaders summoned the small township to stop immediately all forms of discrimination against Rogge had proved to be perhaps the Jewish religion, but above all German heart. Alas, the wife of the officer did not resist and psychologically committed suicide ... Appalled but realizing that he had been the victim of a poor idiot, Rogge was a perfect fidelity to his country, as Milch Lewinsky as von Manstein, as Heydrich, as the 25 Jewish generals, like the 150,000 Jewish soldiers of the Wehrmacht ... Born November 4, 1899, a volunteer in the Kriegsmarine of William II at the age of 16 he became a midshipman on the Moltke in 1916. He served as the Weimar Republic he had served the Kaiser, and in 1937 the Nazi regime gave him the command of the most beautiful sailing vessel in the world: Albert Leo Schlageter (named after a strong German shot by the French in 1923 in the Ruhr), which is still sailing today (this is the Sagres Portuguese Navy after the Guanabara Brazilian from 1948 to 1960). Secure the loyalty of his officer, in 1939 Hitler gave him command of the freighter Goldenfels which was to be transformed into an auxiliary cruiser. At the outset, Rogge save his ship by deleting the word "Hilfskreuzer II" painted in large letters on the hull! Renamed Atlantis, the ship took the sea October 22, 1940, he took the Yugoslav freighter Durmitor. The odyssey of the latter and its crew taken to the port of Warsheik (Italian Somaliland) deserves an entire book. On 8 November, he captured the Norwegian tanker Teddy but his best decision was undoubtedly captured the freighter Automedon English 11 November 1940: In the safe ship, anything less than the defense plan of Singapore English, codes of the English merchant marine, the organization of British armed forces in the Far East, and a valuable cargo: aircraft and automobile parts, whiskey, cigarettes, medical products, microscopes ... In his "rear base" of Kergelen, the Atlantis mission and multiplied there buried his first victim: the Quartermaster Bernhard Herrmann, who died accidentally on December 29. On December 8, 1940, Rogge told that Hitler was a Knight of the Iron Cross. In April 1941, the ship had sunk or captured 16 enemy ships. On April 17, 1941, the Atlantis mistakenly attacks a steamer Egyptian, Zamzam: not having been informed of its sale to Egypt, Robbe had recognized ... the troop carrier he was still Leicestershire in 1940! Although there were only three serious injuries, the incident was publicized by an American journalist in this board, David Scherman. Allied propaganda was able to leisurely ramble on about "Nazi barbarity" and lend Rogge imaginary crimes, such as in 1914-18 and in 1945 ... The cruise of the Atlantis ends 22 November 1941, when it was sunk by the British cruiser Dunedin. Repatriated to Germany, Robbe-cons was named admiral in 1943, then Vice-Admiral in March 1945. In 1957, West Germany recalled the downshifting cons to the rank of admiral, but his retirement in November 1962 he had regained his star and had become the commander of NATO forces in northern Germany. He died covered with glory June 29, 1982, in the port of Hamburg ...

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About the Kennedy assassination

(Photo caption: Dallas, your ruthless world ...)

In its issue of October 22, 2003, the weekly tabloid accuses President Lyndon Johnson to have him assassinated President Kennedy in Dallas. This is the tenth theory on the subject after the KGB, the anti-Castro, extreme right, the Mafia (best guess), the military-industrial, Cuba, the FBI, CIA and the Illuminati ... The new thesis is the work of two employees of Canal Plus, William Reymond and Bernard Nicolas, who shot a film, JFK autopsy of a conspiracy. On the technical details of the attack, there is no novelty: the amateur film shot by Abraham Zapruder shows that the bullet that hit Kennedy came from the front rather than back as claimed by the official version and therefore there has not been a killer but two. Nobody has denied this fact is included in all the theories on Kennedy's death, those that involve killers such as advanced in The Yellow Book No. 5, which accuses Kennedy's driver, William Greer, of have assassinated the President, who - according to the thesis developed - would make public the records of the organization as the Majestic 12 in 1949 had wanted to Admiral Forrestal "suicide" in the room of the hospital where he was interned. This "discovery" is not new. William Reymond had already told in a book published by Flammarion in 1998, JFK autopsy of a state crime of which the main plot was published in Le Figaro Magazine, 28 November 1998. In the collective work that I led, Kennedy, a red blood saga, an article by Vittorio De La Rocca belies the thesis that smells Reymond control official said it was in the interest of the globalists that public opinion knows little about the Kennedy case: Lee Oswald was a Communist, the implication of the USSR could find arguments, create mass hysteria and bring Johnson's defeat in the presidential elections of 1964 against the very anti-communist and rightist Barry Goldwater very, few people remember that he was the Republican candidate, he is stuck between the two nominations of Richard Nixon (1960 and 1968) ... According to Reymond, Kennedy's killer, the real, would be a Malcolm Everett Wallace, a hitman that is presented to us as "close to Vice President Johnson." It's nice hypothesis, but you know as a hitman called in English? Gun for hire: gun for hire. Note the term "rent" it pays ... A good command hitman has no customer of record, and if Wallace is the man that we are present, then there could be other clients. Starting with good old Mafia, who knows how generous with suppliers of river transport Charon ... The paper quoted the testimony of Dr. Charles Crenshaw, care at the hospital in Dallas that day, reflecting the power have proceeded to reshape the face of the President through John Liggett. Why then liquidated Kennedy? It would have eliminated tax breaks to oil producers said that according to Billie Sol Estes billionaire. But why kill Kennedy when they were sufficient incriminating files on him, including his links with notorious Mafia, to discredit him as they did with his Republican rival Nixon? If it revives the story of "Texan oil lobby" is that there is a valid reason, especially at a time when it is one of them, George Bush Jr., who occupies the White House . It seems likely that Kennedy was killed by the Mafia, or rather the mafias: Italian and Jewish (Kennedy embodied the Irish mafia) because of the breakdown of agreements of 1960 on "the sharing of cake": the former having considered the arrest of man Jimmy Hoffa hand as a declaration of war and the fiasco voluntarily caused the Bay of Pigs led to the fury of Meyer Lansky who could say goodbye to its brothels and casinos Cuban ... Knowing that Lee Oswald was a Communist and that his killer, Jack Ruby (or rather Jacob Leon Rubenstein) was just as much - while working for Lansky - it was a stone, two birds by eliminating the president and putting the Democrats in a difficult position: two Communists involved, the suspicion would on Moscow and therefore would hover over the threatening shadow of Johnson Goldwater ... In fact, just ... from which association is funded by the Jewish Mafia? the B'nai B'rith. Who runs the B'nai B'rith? Bronfman. Bronfman also headed? Universal (movie studio, cuckoo ... Oliver Stone) and Vivendi ... Who is a subsidiary of Vivendi? Canal Plus. Which is used by Canal Plus? Reymond. QED ... Note particularly laughable editorial Alain Genestar (redundant) on lying in politics: "The lie has become commonplace. Yet it is the death trap that threatens the political, resurrecting the extremists right and left. These pallbearers democracies lazy ". True, but the lie is intrinsic to democracy. There is even a law, the Gayssot Act, which requires belief in an official truth on pain of financial penalties and even jail. "France is no exception. A forthcoming book by Georges-Marc Benamou, which matches will be widely publicized in the coming weeks, denounces the responsibility of French authorities in the massacre of the harkis in Algeria. " It's really making fun of the world: what "revelations" may well be Benamou, whose late Globe had been financed from the secret funds of Elf on the issue of Harkis? Nothing. Everything he can tell, we already know through books and pamphlets Colonel Moinet, Circle National Affairs (in Torture, torture you said, we see pictures of the genocide) or Bachaga Boualem ... But witnessing- we are not currently a rivalry between Elf and U.S. oil companies to control the black gold of the Sahara? These "revelations" on the Harkis fall conveniently to report in Algiers: "Either you sign the bottom of the contract, or your" hero "still alive will be accused of" crimes against humanity "and extradited, starting with Bouteflika former political commissar of the Wilaya of the South ". By 1962, nationalists (who themselves are not sold to Elf ...) had discussed the horror of genocide harki. We did not listen more than when they denounced the fifty years before Solzhenitsyn's Gulag ... The truth is not in Paris Match, and even less in Genestar. The truth lies elsewhere: in the press called "extreme right" who, on the Harkis on Kennedy's past Mitterrand on one of Chirac, the links between Islamists and extreme left, on the Second World War the Gulag and on September 11, 2001 has revealed everything, well before the others ... St. John the Evangelist said: "The truth makes you free! . We are free. We are the truth, or at least a major part of it ...

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About Pius XII

(Caption: Pope of great piety, author of texts on the beautiful Catholic teaching, Pope Pius XII (whose beatification is the agenda) carried the boat of St. Peter in troubled times of World War II. Under his pontificate, the communists exterminated hundreds of thousands of Catholics. His Church protected all persecuted whatever were their religion, race or political opinion)

us once again in Le Figaro of Literary October 9, 2003 the famous sea serpent on the alleged collaboration of Pope Pius XII to the Holocaust. Among the contributions include that of Alexander Adler and Costa Gravas, two employees of communism anti-Catholic and who are also the first Jewish, Orthodox, for the second, two religions have particularly persecuted Catholics in the twentieth century. Brief overview of the main lies and historical errors that have crept here and there. Philippe Simmonot in "A pawn of Hitler ? "Multiplies the historically dubious and false allusions, with the usual occasional denial: denial of war crimes (especially rape) of the black troops of the French army during the occupation of the Ruhr, the negation of hatred against the Jewish Christians taught by the Talmud, which says that "anti-Judaism" of Christians is that self-defense, denying the predominantly Jewish character of communism without which nothing can understand from the 1933-1945 period ... Moreover, it talks about his silence before these Jews of Rome car trucks to the concentration camps. We heard more often the Pope protest against the excesses of Nazism as the boss of the World Jewish Congress against anti-Christian persecution of communism ... In "Back to silence, Gerard Leclerc, he continues to peddle analysis lapsed repeatedly denied, as eg Pius XI "obsessed" with the communist threat and less concerned by the Nazis. Cons-evident truth: besides the fact that Pius XI was released both English Catholics (which reminded him opportunely Ribbentrop in 1937 ...) that Mexican Catholics, he was right to focus most of its activity to the denunciation of communism . The Nazis did persecute the Catholics, who began serving Stalin during the war, that is to say what they did and not what they were. In the USSR, Catholics were persecuted because of their faith. The Nazis wanted to eradicate Judaism in Europe, including one Jewish religious dogma, massively applied in the USSR, is the extermination of Christians precisely as dictated by the Talmud. Besides, NOT A JEW, not one has risked his place in the USSR to rescue a Christian deportation to death camps in Siberia and this, while until 1939, they represented 40% of the members of the NKVD (then they do not represent 2% of Russia's population!) And 70% of its executives, including those of management of the Gulag! In all countries that have had the misfortune to fall into the clutches of the Red Army, Jews have collaborated heavily with it in every time there planning the extermination of Christians. For 2000 years, the war waged by the "chosen people" became "cursed people" against Christians unfolds relentlessly. And support one side is automatically opposed to another. In "Absolution? Yes but ... "Alexandre Adler illustrates perfectly I just said. Nephew of the founder of the infamous Romanian Securitate (Walter Roman), but also sinister son of a war criminal Kriegel-Valrimont (nicknamed "Criminal-Valrimont" member of "Murder" ... et Moselle), he accuses Pius XII's fight against communism "that was the game of Hitler! In "Pacelli knew it was you," Costa-Gravas persists in his anti-Catholic hatred characterized by the film Amen, devoted to Jewish property mythomaniac robber Kurt Gerstein, disgraced by the plan for this reason and ready to n ' Anything to get interesting, the Vatican has reversed his delusions. He also criticizes the Pope for not having supported Stalin. Finally, this series of articles is very interesting. It shows all the offense of former collaborators red to rehabilitate communism in time 'main opponent of Nazism. " There were no treatment in 1989 and the worst can happen again. This is why we must work tirelessly to do our duty to remember and prove through testimony and documents, it is not communism that made dam "the Nazi horror, but the National socialism which saved us from the horror ... Communist

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About subversion in the U.S.

(Caption: Cuban Colonel Mendoza and his assistant look angrily Nicaraguan soldiers executed by their American supporters in Colorado. The movie Red Dawn evoke the U.S. attacked by the Soviets after to the success of the plan of subversion).
Our correspondent in California has sent two documents, one from 1963 and one in 2003. The first was a plan submitted in 1963 by Albert Sydney Herlong, Jr. (1909-1995), representing Florida, indicating the 45 goals the Communists in the United States, which an important part has been achieved or is underway. These projects cover the bulk of Communist American social life and you can see a certain coincidence between any protocol "Politically Correct" and the aforesaid plan both in terms of society and international relations ... The Project No. 2 was especially to destroy the very idea of American resistance by imposing the idea that slavery was preferable to communism nuclear death: The Day after the movie based on very dubious thesis of "nuclear winter" has helped. Point No. 7, go to Communist China instead of Taiwan, was applied in 1971. Point No. 8, which provided for the continuation of the GDR, was applied until 1987. Point No. 11 shows the convergence of views between globalists and communists: it aims to make the UN a world government. Points No. 17 and 18 have been applied in any case in France: take control of teaching and student newspapers. The following points suggest a culture war that has been fully realized, not necessarily by the Stalinist communists but rather by the Trotskyists of seizing control of key positions on TV and radios (21), discrediting American culture (22), promote the Degenerate Art (23), promote pornography (25), presenting homosexuality as normal and healthy (26) ... Point 27 is the resumption Meeting of the School of party cadres in Moscow in 1935 to infiltrate the Church and to suppress the Scriptures (27) and of course promote secular fundamentalism in schools (28). Little point made clear in 1963 but oh! Infiltrate the FBI (35), and all professions related to psychiatry in order to exercise coercion against those who would argue against this project by 45 points by accusing them of "mental illness" (recall that in 1963 we had no knowledge of the Gulag psychiatric evidence of the authenticity of the document) (39). The final points were used: family breakdown (40), desire to remove children from the home environment by making parents responsible for any delays, defects and failures of the Child (41), promote violence as a solution to (42), supporting the decolonization especially if the country is not ready for self-management (43), internationalizing the Panama Canal (44) (produced by Clinton as restitution in Panama) and create an international court to supplant national justice (45). On August 4, 2003, the newsletter Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin publishes a text Anis Shorrosh, a Christian Arab immigrants in the United States in 1967 and a native of Palestine, formerly of Oxford, which provides a strategic overview Muslim for 2020: 1 - impose a law against racist speech, 2 - to promote Islam among blacks avoiding recall that "negro" and "slave" is similarly say in Arabic (Abed), 3 - to promote media- Islam by equating Judaism and Christianity, 4 - to lobby for electoral candidates pro-Muslim, 5 - buy up shares of companies mediate, television, print and film to gain control, 6 - to threaten an oil embargo against the United States, 7 - to legally attack "racist" anyone who criticizes Islam or the Koran, 8 - to recruit Muslims to the White House, invest occupations medical, computer, associations of parents and Arab restaurants open (to meet there secretly) 9 - Accelerate ethnic submersion in the U.S. (100,000 Muslims came a year since 1961), prohibit contraception among Muslims, preferably marry American women and convert them (currently 10,000 per year), the divorce after five years and remarry, 10 - Create a maximum of Koranic schools, 11 - Creating Muslim universities, 12 - Leave the propaganda that the terrorists have hijacked Islam: in fact it is Islam which has diverted terrorists, 13 - Call the American compassion and tolerance for "immigrants Muslims from countries oppressors ", 14 - and terrorizing Americans misinform by multiplying the false attacks against bridges, tunnels, water towers, airports, apartments and shopping malls, 15 - foment mutinies prison to demand the implementation of ch'aria, 16 - Multiply the charities the money used to finance Islamic terrorism, 17 - Increasing interest in Islam on Campus, 18 - Make an agreement annual gathering mosques, Islamic schools, the Islamic mediate to coordinate plans Action 19 - Send messages to intimidate those who criticize Islam and try to eliminate them, 20 - Present Muslims as loyal citizens of the United States who have the highest turnout of all minorities in the United States ... Remember that for all practical purposes the two documents in question, as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, are apocryphal documents, in the sense that they are briefs that have not been made by those who are involved, but nevertheless, these documents are true in the sense that they were made from material from d’eux…