Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Initiation Ceremony Sor

The gate is open, enter ...

When I saw the first flowers of Prunus my (still unknown), I know that spring is not far . And what do you see today? They are still small but they are pouring in:

was just for a photo put you in good spirits because what follows has the gift to irritate more than one. I'm sorry but right now the chance that my plants for lazy and are just a bit chilly so unsavory in regions with temperatures chilly .... This is still the case today but I'll come to persistent tundra ... lol .. Prepare your fur hats for a future post!

We'll talk about pittosporum, shrubs, large, medium or small and persistent. You will find in all situations.
start with a pretty purple, Pittosporum 'Tom Thumb', which reached approximately adult 1mx0, 60 in the flower scent of the delicious honey

The Pittosporum "argyrophyllum" or "tenuifolium variegatum" is a larger model because it reaches a beautiful 3mx2 variegated foliage on a black wood and dark red flowers:

And here is a Pittosporum "tobira" Dwarf just as beautiful as the great "tobira" but much less bulky. Is not he cute?

If you prefer great model, I also store (sorry, in the garden) ... It becomes a small tree. I've already spoken at length so I'll just show it to you but remind you that it releases a wonderful scent of orange blossom:

the way, I'll slip this photo of a Osmanthus "tricolor" because this shrub perfect for illuminating a dark corner is not asking him to interview either:

That's all for today. We will find shrubs for lazy in a future post. Now for the blossoms that are rare if we exclude camellia, oleander, crocus and tins. By looking carefully, I saw a hole in the yellow is my neighbor's forsythia, but why not use it .. lol

Skimmia Looks like the "rubella" opens its buttons:

And Pieris "Variegata" has already opened his own:

Prunus "Pissard", a classic garden which I love because I have three, prepares to flower. You know, you can not miss it in March but the planters (ial) starters, here's a little reminder of flowering:

And on exotic plants, what's new? is "bleak wilderness" ... These plants do not start that late in growth. A photo of a conifer to talk to them is enchanting company. I know I can not help plant one! And what do you, I am unable to plant pine trees in my small plot of land. Do you see him do his timid under the Cordyline? Photo taken today you will forgive the massive yet weeded due to slush.
Therefore, I will speak of Pinus Mugo mops, this lovely mountain pine that grows also no maintenance and is about 1mx1, 20 adult. It grows slowly but surely as mine two years has expanded well. It is beautiful with its new growth in spring. A photo taken last year and another borrowed to show detail:

The visit is over, I shut the gate ; ... At a next time!


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