Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Love To Watch Women Put Tights On

The world upside down ....

This might be a little note, just to show you how to make fun of our flowers expectations. If you remember, last year, fine crocus put on display on your blogs and mine who did not want to show. I waited a long, long time, they decide to point a petal ... This year they are already here! Finally, fifteen yellow, about 150 are planted. Do not dream too much either.

As for these 3 Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide', they never cross the crocuses. At this time of year, flowering is finished. Some flowers have been shown in late November, which was normal because bloom throughout the month of December and much of January. Alas, you know the rest ... 30cm of snow has stopped short of any desire to flourish. They were falling below the buttons and still they are struggling not return to work the last few days. If the weather stays mild, I have flowers in February / March. How strange!

The next post will sign the end of the trip to Reunion with flowers galore and give the signal for resumption of articles talking about my garden. With any luck, I hope to have two or three little things to show you. For now, I put my wood! Ash gave close to 3 strings ...


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