In the muck where materialistic vau-trent planetarian the past and today, the life of a child does not carry much weight. It is an object on which one has the right to life and death. Socialists and Liberals have shown their hatred of the child, its desecration in the name of fundamentalism and its secular objetisation. No mercy for the children, especially those of others. The fetus interferes bitch who wants a quiet sunbathe this summer? The left has the final solution to the prob-lem, it aborts. The pédomane gratifies impulses, often murderous, on a girl? The left sign a petition on his behalf (such as that published January 26, 1977 in Le Monde, signed by Sartre, Beauvoir, Kouchner, Lang, Glucksmann ...) or stifles the case when it is in its ranks (journalist ' a towel and called hate Humo-Rist, councilor of a prefecture or politician leading ...). For them, the child is a commodity: it defiles his innocence as soon as possible (to fatten the punters planetarian porn-business), it is hard for her family to make a golem fashioned in the mold, regular consumers Sheep and New World Order, one baton families to prevent the renewal of generations ... The policy of destroying the people of France began in 1936 continues. The International? Enemy of mankind. In 1944, the Resistance will deliver exactly the crime blamed mainly to the Nazis: the murder of children. At Voiron, April 20, 1944 began as an ordinary day at Ernest Jourdan, 43, head of the local militia in civilian and industrial. Of course, he knows that the Stalinists are in the region and that the resistance wants to avenge husband Basch, old murdered by Lecussan (disobeying orders Touvier) who were avenging Philippe Henriot but he is not afraid. He also knows that he has been sentenced to death on Radio London by Pierre Dac, but nothing disturbs him. At 9:15 p.m., communities forecasters, led by a certain column, enter the house. The industrialist, who was reading his newspaper in the kitchen did not look out: his killers were students of technical high school that the family knew Jourdan. How to suspect that these kids, not older than the young militiamen would kill them, were fanatical by a supervisor and a teacher communist terrorists and turned into frenzy of hate and bloodshed? Ernest Jourdan was shot immediately, with two kids in the Militia. His wife, Florentine, aged 41, was injured, she drags herself to the living room where it is completed. Her sister suffered the same fate. Colonna goes upstairs: he shot the militiaman's aunt, Mary Ball, an old lady of 81 years (the age of Victor Basch ...). Then it was the turn of Ernest's mother, a wife of 66 years to be killed by two bullets to the bedroom door of Daniel, the daughter of the militiaman, who is three years. Colonna enters the room, raises Daniele crying, and shoots him four times in the head. Henry Charbonneau said: "I myself saw seven corpses Jourdan family lying on a table extension for weddings and banquets. Nuns pushing brooms with blood mixed with sawdust, as in a slaughterhouse. " Radio London, Pierre Dac top (forgiveness and mercy are unknown values of the Jews) can rejoice: not only is dead Henriot, not only "the militiamen were shot like dogs", but adds a woman Two old men and a baby for good measure. Long live the Republic! 7 dead. 7 deaths among the 105,000 criminals torque De Gaulle Thorez. From the time she killed a baby because his name Jourdan. Resistance lost all right criticize those who killed a baby named Blumenstein ... These two child murders were not isolated acts: in the hour of duty to remember and pay compulsory, think of all those dead children whose small Buffières (8 years), Ray (6 years, 8 days), Albertini (18 months), Sublon (3 months), Ruhlmann (3 and 2 years), which must be added all the other innocent victims, those of the War of Vendée and those of abortion ... Abominable Saturn devouring his own children, the Republic - whose "resistance" embodies values - is the ultimate anti-France. The Republic is not only anti-France it is anti-humanity: remember that in the name of republican values What have been committed genocide Vendée, Armenian, Indian, German, Baltic, Tibetan, Ukrainian-nien, Biafra, Miskito, Iraq. .. and so many massacres on five continents.
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