Saturday, March 3, 2007

C O P D Life Expectancy

About martyr Françoise Armagnac

(Photo Caption: Memorial of the "Resistance" in Chasseneuil. Torturer Françoise Armagnac is buried as a hero ...)

On July 4, 1944 would be for Françoise Armagnac Charlotte Solange the best day of his life. Born February 23, 1918 in Paris, she was the niece of Sadi Carnot, president assassinated in 1894 by the anarchists. On this summer day, this young farmer actively engaged in social work, was to marry George Pénicaut. The wedding was blessed by Father Jagueneau (later struck by the communists, refused to enter the church the red flag). Between the church and the cottage where the dinner was scheduled wedding the bride, her husband and the parade falls on the 2406th company of the 1st Battalion FTP, aka "maquis" Bernard ", 126 men who terrorize the Charente for several months. At its head, "colo-nel Bernard Lelay, typographer L'Humanite, buried as a hero in 1977 in memorial of the Resistance in Chasseneuil-sur-Bonnieure (86). The Maquis Bernard is notorious in the region with his Jewish deputy, Augustine Raoux, "Gandhi" for the bush; Lelay multiply crimes: dozens of persons were shot after being tried by Raoux (without counsel) who refuses systematically being administered to victims der-trees sacraments that German firing squad, at least those of the Wehrmacht and very often those of the SS, always accepted. Between June 15 and August 11, 1944, 73 people are murdered by the communists in the only country chabanais; whose dangerous Nazis such as Madame Besson, 22, mother of two and seven months pregnant, was murdered on July 27 with her husband Angelo, a farmer of 77 years, Paul Corbiat, August 11 or 16 years old schoolboy, Jacques Londeix. On 4 July, the guerrillas have killed 36 people including six on consciousness since morning (Regis Trillaud, watchmaker 34 years ; Gaston Louis, frank guard ferrying blankets; Auxire Raymond, 19; Demontoux Germain, committed 24 years, George Mallet, worker of 42 years and his wife Germaine, 33). This is not who will Lelay Françoise Armagnac is Nathan Lindner. This 42 year old Polish Jew, whose name was maquis "Linard" seems to be the rank of chief warrant officer. In fact, he was an obscure corporal Legion. Known by the nickname "Scooter" (already! But this one has an alibi for Yann Piat: he died in 1977), this sub-hamlet lost Joinovici sold newspapers at the auction, including Signal, guidance Nazi, but also journals licentious. For this reason, Françoise Armagnac refused his Brownies to go buy anything from him. It will pay for his life.

The story of Calvary Francoise reveals the true face of terrorist propaganda ally called "Resistance." In terms of ignominy, it is beyond the worst blunders of Militia and catching those Lecussan. But Lecussan was shot. Not Lindner, nor Lelay. So much for equality. For fraternity, this is what gave the confrontation between a girl from France and his torturers planetarian: on arrival at the home of the bride, they will pillage: all valuables are stolen, they will eat the wedding dinner, they will even steal the contents of the wallets of two children aged six and eight years. For Frances, interrogations and humiliating chores succeed under the leadership of Lindner. On July 5, 1944, after thirty hours of torture, she was shot in her wedding dress, soiled by the horn-vate. The Maquis Bernard? A bunch of uneducated thugs, the brains stuck by class hatred, hatred itself. Sometimes the hatred of race ... Frances was killed for what it was: a French Catholic whose property is jealous peace and happiness. Everything had been planned to systematically destroy what Françoise Armagnac and the values it embodied. Françoise Armagnac was right, the fact is there. Probably Petainist but surely not lie pro-German and even less national-socialist since she had officially protested to Robert Maroussem cons of the attitude of some militiamen who called for the systematic persecution of Jews and Freemasons. These overzealous militia behaved, responsible, just like the guerrillas with the only difference being the nature of the victims. However, Lelay, Lind-Ner and henchmen will rouse their troops with ease because of their ignorance, and incite the murder of the one in their fan-TASM, they have nicknamed "the lady".

The chatelaine, the word is said. In the Marxist dialectic, the "lord" is the ideal scapegoat, the projection of the imagined enemy. The major government-rous of Bolshevism are generally from a middle class economy atavistic enemies of the nobility she wanted. Intrinsically perverse and hateful ideology, communism needs a villain, an outlet for his fears paranoid: it may be noble, bourgeois (when there is more noble) or extreme right (when there is neither noble nor bourgeois). The communist revolutionary, hate noble as it is an obstacle to the creation of the golem, the new man, as we have seen in the anti-French racism. For communists and their zealots, the perfect society is one where it was eradicated nobility, family, religion, anything that may prevent totalitarianism, the state control on Man. It is interesting that the same aims are pursued by the cosmopolitan ideology, whose economic system is now capitalist, sometimes social democratic. In fact, when one observes the devotees of cosmopolitanism and globalism, when one deciphers his speeches, pulling off the mask of his alleged respectability, there are those today who cry "Long live the New World Order" are precisely those shouting "Vive Pol Pot in 1975," Long Live Mao "in 1968 and" Long live Stalin "in 1945, namely a small self-proclaimed intelligentsia, sure of itself and domineering ... Françoise Armagnac had the reputation of being a "lady", in other words, a nobleman. Even Raymond Aron thought. For Lelay, the Stalinist uncultivated Lindner for the stateless revenge, but also for all others it was only a more interesting target. Most exciting or should we say, as many crimes of the Resistance have hit women and sexual barbarism has never remained in the background ... which is quite understandable, since all the avatars of socialism are based on the glorification of base instincts. There is still a politician or thinker left to vindicate that of incest, that of pedophilia, that of homosexuality. Swallowing man to the animal state, private and nobility of God, and his communist cronies can only have troops bes-TiAl. In areas of the Charente, Auvergne and Limousin, there are countless women, often young girls, victims of sadism resisters ... For the only Auvergne, Allier include the victims of the concentration camp trunk and Sauzlet (whose torturers were all acquitted in 1954), for the Puy de Dome killing of Margaret Adelaide Thivat to miss aigueperse, assassinated on Stalin's orders Fauvet after two days of horrific abuse as a gift for anniversary (we'll talk in the Free Arverne No. 138) and the Haute-Loire, from Marie-Rose Peyrellier, tor-tured to death in woods Roujac.

For thirty hours, Lindner will be able to wreak vengeance and racial hatred. For this small stateless badly built (Im59), here is the oppor-tunity to destroy everything he hates and humiliate this pretty girl in France, from a famous family. It will organize the looting of the house her, focuses on family pictures and invent the cor-vate the most humiliating for the bride, all centered on the same goal: to stain his white robe, symbol of purity and morality National reviled by stateless. It will inflict this cruel insult to the goy he despises, in revenge for the hostility Poles suspected by French intermediary, in line with the persecution that core-ligionnaires Lindner have inflicted on the Russian people on behalf of this perverted version of the ultra-racist Zionism that was the Bolsheviks between 1917 and 1964. He takes his thank you to those who refused to see him cozy up to his Brownies, and took great delight in dreadful nightmare into what should be the happiest day of his life. The next day, 21 hours, Françoise was shot behind a boxwood-sound. His mother, nearly blind, is arrested after writing a letter to the collector to obtain a tax rebate Following the looting. The letter was seized and arrested the collector. This is the campaign of hatred and Lelay Lindner, combined with their ignorance criminal who killed Françoise Armagnac and Lindner will acknowledge Francoise making comments against the criminals refractory STO. ("Those who refuse the younger STO, they should be doused with gasoline and set on fire"), about denials by the country's genuine resistance. Lelay will accuse him of being "the Secre-tary of the Militia of Chabanais. Having proof of the innocence of Frances, he will destroy in the name of the right "to retain only what we want," as advised by Radio London. Gaston, The driver of the alleged colonel is still convinced she was the head of hundreds in the militia, having confused the grade male with ... that of local Scout leader. Claim that a resistance fighter Françoise shouted "Long live Germany" before the peloton. Upon inquiry, the maquis was not present that day ... According to witnesses, she was worthy to death, giving as many other martyrs of this period, a lesson in French chivalry killers in the pay of Moscow. Even those who in 1945 and still arise in glorious Democrats. Françoise Armagnac was murdered for what it was: a woman in France, a Catholic who refused to take bribes, a true patriot. So it's a hate crime.


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