Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bloating With Incontinence

About Bonneville Marsanguy

From the beginning of the anti-Communist crusade, Navarre had risen against the tyranny of Republican Valencia. General Mola had released Pamplona in the early hours of the conflict. In 48 hours, he received unexpected reinforcements that probably saved the Resistance: 10,000 men, a considerable army at this time of war. Oriamendi singing (the famous song "for God, for country and for the King, our fathers fought. For God, for country and for the King, we will fight too," they descend from their villages, grandfather, father and child in sneakers and red beret on his head, all volunteers. In some villages there are only mothers and daughters. Even the priest went into battle. Children frolic in the streets, chanting: "Free Spain Spain beautiful, with requests and phalanges, with the Tercio very brave .... "These Chouans Navarre, Carlist, are Catholics and peasants. And recent events in Mexico and Russia, showed them how laïcards and Republicans treat Catholics and peasants ... Three Carlist battalions seized the passes of the Sierra in singing "Bring me the sneakers, gives Boine and the gun, I'll kill more than Reds have flowers in March and April. " It's the old song Carlist where "liberal" has been replaced by "red".

Month after month, Navarre mobilized, and in February 1937, the 6th Brigade of Navarre is engaged on the front of Asturias, one strongholds of tyranny. Mining country, he had rebelled against the legal government September 14, 1934 (born from the right-wing victory in the elections of November 1933) with the complicity of the left "social-democrat". The very one who will deal with "rebels" who in 1936 will be just like her ... The "Asturian revolt" was in no way spontaneous, but the result of careful preparation subversive whose end point would be the establishment of a communist tyranny in Spain. In 1931, Congress of the Comintern had released a sum of £ 240,000 in counterfeit notes and $ 2.5 million PTA for the purchase of arms and ammunition. 200 revolutionary cadres were sent to training in Moscow. In 1933, the Morning Post announced the seizure of a clandestine arsenals red: there confiscated 90,000 rifles, 33,000 pistols, 500,000 cartridges and fake tickets. Franco's attempt to reorganize and modernize the army is facing the stagnation of government. Meanwhile, 300 churches were burned and many right-wing activists are murdered by professional hit men for 50 pesetas. The Bolshevik said in October 1930: "The legality in communist terrorism is to rely on fundamental principles." Despite the crushing of the revolt in Asturias, Largo Caballero can parade before his masters in the Kremlin: in 1935, tens of thousands of communist cells were placed in all of Spain. The 11th Plenum of the Comintern, the English delegates were pleased to have established "the prerequisites of a revolutionary crisis in Spain." In the 12th Plenum, the Communist coup is planned. We have seen in No. 197 the fate of the latter with the first of four miracles pushing the Communists to retreat at the last moment the outbreak of the attack and allow the forces to overcome anti-communist Spain 1936, 1941 and Germany 1953, France 1947. And maybe 5 if we consider that plans to attack the communist Total 1984 to 1986 were still valid in 1989 (apparently rejected because of conflicts between two rival factions, one controlling the Kremlin and the other apparently the Red Army).

Army Navarre includes among its many French volunteers. If, with the blessing of Leon Blum, the Communist gunmen could go freely go to Spain to fight for Stalin, it was far more difficult for those who were willing to stop communism. It is a general Lavigne-Delville (1866-1957), a cavalry officer, hero of the First World War, which took charge of recruiting and offered several thousand men, besides the 1000 that Francis Petri proposed to make available to the Caudillo. French volunteers were divided into various units, without giving specific units, if not bandera Juana de Arco Captain Henry Bonneville Marsanguy, making it unclear how many of them have fought for the liberation of Spain. It is believed that 3000 men are gone, some bearing the green shirt of Tercio, the English Foreign Legion, the other the blue shirt of Phalanx, activists of the French Action Carlist units joining Navarre, queries. It is in their ranks Henri Bonneville Marsagny battle at the head of the 2nd company of the battalion San Fernando. Having crossed the Pyrenees at the beginning of the war, he participated in the battles of Merida, Badajoz, Madellin, Talavera and the release of the Alcazar of Toledo. On 10 February, his unit participated in the capture of the town of Llanes. The master fell heroically in battle at the head of his men. In 1954, his son Roland, who had barely known his father (he was born in 1930), falls also in the great crusade against the Bolshevik horror at Dien Bien Phu. One died for freedom of the English people, the other to prevent the subjugation of the Vietnamese people. At least they did not die for the Republic, their sacrifice has not been useless.

In their History of the English Civil War, Robert and Maurice Bardeche Brasillach, reported that the band Juana de Arco had about 300 men, plus a few volunteers from Switzerland and Belgium, which seems small compared to the communist camp. It is true that the nationalists, which seems logical, do not go getting killed for a country that is not theirs. Only large ideological crusades as the fight against Bolshevism from 1941 to 1945, can unite our energies. Let us add to this the fact that Franco wanted to win the war alone, accepting foreigners as well as symbolic (French contingent, Irish, Portuguese, Finnish), as well as instructors (German) or because it could not do otherwise (Italian). The question also arises: if Blum philo-communism was so, why did he not send the French army in Spain? At this, several explanations: the first is that the French army - traumatized by the slaughter of 14-18 - did not really want to redo a second war. In addition, many officers would legitimately outraged at the idea of going to get killed to impose a communist horror in Spain which, no doubt, would have reached France in the next step. The second is the profile of Blum. Although he is Jewish, claims to be true Marxist, but is primarily a business lawyer, linked to large Anglo-Saxon trusts. However, if they wriggle impatiently at the idea of scratch card a Germany hungry for independence and freedom, the English question was more complex. Indeed, the U.S. mining trusts, run by Jewish families and Rothschild Guggenheim, saw close their mines by the English Republican mismanagement while a nationalist area in time, they start to produce. We can make a comparison with Pinochet's Chile. In both cases, middle-class revolution against a regime being Sovietization. In both cases, a general takes command of the revolt and sacrificed the revolutionary forces of right in favor of business. In both cases, benevolent neutrality of Jewish financial circles, Franco by its Jewish origins and the best economic health of his state of hatred against Pinochet Allende whose past anti-Semitic, even officially killed, was probably known. In both cases, no solid data at low speed and collapse of it from the start of the general. Blum is why has not intervened: his masters on Wall Street could not be heard because the anarchists and had reached a tentative agreement with Franco. Lessons to ponder for the future. Father and son, the Bonneville Marsangy were united in death. In the frozen steppes of Russia, the sweaty jungles of Indochina, in the arid mountains of Spain, men have fallen to defend the liberties, blood work, civilization. Last Post ...


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