Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bloating With Incontinence

About Bonneville Marsanguy

From the beginning of the anti-Communist crusade, Navarre had risen against the tyranny of Republican Valencia. General Mola had released Pamplona in the early hours of the conflict. In 48 hours, he received unexpected reinforcements that probably saved the Resistance: 10,000 men, a considerable army at this time of war. Oriamendi singing (the famous song "for God, for country and for the King, our fathers fought. For God, for country and for the King, we will fight too," they descend from their villages, grandfather, father and child in sneakers and red beret on his head, all volunteers. In some villages there are only mothers and daughters. Even the priest went into battle. Children frolic in the streets, chanting: "Free Spain Spain beautiful, with requests and phalanges, with the Tercio very brave .... "These Chouans Navarre, Carlist, are Catholics and peasants. And recent events in Mexico and Russia, showed them how laïcards and Republicans treat Catholics and peasants ... Three Carlist battalions seized the passes of the Sierra in singing "Bring me the sneakers, gives Boine and the gun, I'll kill more than Reds have flowers in March and April. " It's the old song Carlist where "liberal" has been replaced by "red".

Month after month, Navarre mobilized, and in February 1937, the 6th Brigade of Navarre is engaged on the front of Asturias, one strongholds of tyranny. Mining country, he had rebelled against the legal government September 14, 1934 (born from the right-wing victory in the elections of November 1933) with the complicity of the left "social-democrat". The very one who will deal with "rebels" who in 1936 will be just like her ... The "Asturian revolt" was in no way spontaneous, but the result of careful preparation subversive whose end point would be the establishment of a communist tyranny in Spain. In 1931, Congress of the Comintern had released a sum of £ 240,000 in counterfeit notes and $ 2.5 million PTA for the purchase of arms and ammunition. 200 revolutionary cadres were sent to training in Moscow. In 1933, the Morning Post announced the seizure of a clandestine arsenals red: there confiscated 90,000 rifles, 33,000 pistols, 500,000 cartridges and fake tickets. Franco's attempt to reorganize and modernize the army is facing the stagnation of government. Meanwhile, 300 churches were burned and many right-wing activists are murdered by professional hit men for 50 pesetas. The Bolshevik said in October 1930: "The legality in communist terrorism is to rely on fundamental principles." Despite the crushing of the revolt in Asturias, Largo Caballero can parade before his masters in the Kremlin: in 1935, tens of thousands of communist cells were placed in all of Spain. The 11th Plenum of the Comintern, the English delegates were pleased to have established "the prerequisites of a revolutionary crisis in Spain." In the 12th Plenum, the Communist coup is planned. We have seen in No. 197 the fate of the latter with the first of four miracles pushing the Communists to retreat at the last moment the outbreak of the attack and allow the forces to overcome anti-communist Spain 1936, 1941 and Germany 1953, France 1947. And maybe 5 if we consider that plans to attack the communist Total 1984 to 1986 were still valid in 1989 (apparently rejected because of conflicts between two rival factions, one controlling the Kremlin and the other apparently the Red Army).

Army Navarre includes among its many French volunteers. If, with the blessing of Leon Blum, the Communist gunmen could go freely go to Spain to fight for Stalin, it was far more difficult for those who were willing to stop communism. It is a general Lavigne-Delville (1866-1957), a cavalry officer, hero of the First World War, which took charge of recruiting and offered several thousand men, besides the 1000 that Francis Petri proposed to make available to the Caudillo. French volunteers were divided into various units, without giving specific units, if not bandera Juana de Arco Captain Henry Bonneville Marsanguy, making it unclear how many of them have fought for the liberation of Spain. It is believed that 3000 men are gone, some bearing the green shirt of Tercio, the English Foreign Legion, the other the blue shirt of Phalanx, activists of the French Action Carlist units joining Navarre, queries. It is in their ranks Henri Bonneville Marsagny battle at the head of the 2nd company of the battalion San Fernando. Having crossed the Pyrenees at the beginning of the war, he participated in the battles of Merida, Badajoz, Madellin, Talavera and the release of the Alcazar of Toledo. On 10 February, his unit participated in the capture of the town of Llanes. The master fell heroically in battle at the head of his men. In 1954, his son Roland, who had barely known his father (he was born in 1930), falls also in the great crusade against the Bolshevik horror at Dien Bien Phu. One died for freedom of the English people, the other to prevent the subjugation of the Vietnamese people. At least they did not die for the Republic, their sacrifice has not been useless.

In their History of the English Civil War, Robert and Maurice Bardeche Brasillach, reported that the band Juana de Arco had about 300 men, plus a few volunteers from Switzerland and Belgium, which seems small compared to the communist camp. It is true that the nationalists, which seems logical, do not go getting killed for a country that is not theirs. Only large ideological crusades as the fight against Bolshevism from 1941 to 1945, can unite our energies. Let us add to this the fact that Franco wanted to win the war alone, accepting foreigners as well as symbolic (French contingent, Irish, Portuguese, Finnish), as well as instructors (German) or because it could not do otherwise (Italian). The question also arises: if Blum philo-communism was so, why did he not send the French army in Spain? At this, several explanations: the first is that the French army - traumatized by the slaughter of 14-18 - did not really want to redo a second war. In addition, many officers would legitimately outraged at the idea of going to get killed to impose a communist horror in Spain which, no doubt, would have reached France in the next step. The second is the profile of Blum. Although he is Jewish, claims to be true Marxist, but is primarily a business lawyer, linked to large Anglo-Saxon trusts. However, if they wriggle impatiently at the idea of scratch card a Germany hungry for independence and freedom, the English question was more complex. Indeed, the U.S. mining trusts, run by Jewish families and Rothschild Guggenheim, saw close their mines by the English Republican mismanagement while a nationalist area in time, they start to produce. We can make a comparison with Pinochet's Chile. In both cases, middle-class revolution against a regime being Sovietization. In both cases, a general takes command of the revolt and sacrificed the revolutionary forces of right in favor of business. In both cases, benevolent neutrality of Jewish financial circles, Franco by its Jewish origins and the best economic health of his state of hatred against Pinochet Allende whose past anti-Semitic, even officially killed, was probably known. In both cases, no solid data at low speed and collapse of it from the start of the general. Blum is why has not intervened: his masters on Wall Street could not be heard because the anarchists and had reached a tentative agreement with Franco. Lessons to ponder for the future. Father and son, the Bonneville Marsangy were united in death. In the frozen steppes of Russia, the sweaty jungles of Indochina, in the arid mountains of Spain, men have fallen to defend the liberties, blood work, civilization. Last Post ...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Corn Oil Of Vegetable Oil Brownies

About Alain Escoffier (10/25/1949 to 02/10/1977)

February 10, 1977. The Giscardian France, sated and lazy, dozing in the winter. With less than three hundred kilometers, an Iron Curtain splitting Europe in two. And on the other side, the sinister Eastern bloc with its death camps, its shortages "compensated" by an overabundance of police, militia and soldiers. Faced with West Germany, where a U.S. military traumatized by Vietnam and a British army dramatically under-equipped mount a semblance of custody, both nations are enslaved as outposts of communist Hydra, two teratogenic creations of this century. First, the GDR, artificial state composed of a piece of Prussia, Saxony, Mecklenburg and a vague piece of Thuringia. Then, Czechoslovakia, already separated once and rewelded despite the common sense. A state mermaid, a centaur state, a state mid-carpal, mid-rabbit when Slovakia Catholic prolongation of Budapest, was forcibly married and legally violated when the wedding night of 1919 in the Bohemian-Moravian Protestant pseudopod Berlin, the Czechs are the most Germanic Slavs unless they were the most Slavic Germans ...

February 10, 1977, avenue des Champs-Elysees. The most beautiful avenue in the world was still the case at the time, suffered in a tragic mid-morning bustle. The Aeroflot Company USSR State had its local French. Marxists have always loved showing off by displaying the trappings of capitalist wealth. Probably because the latter has always supported the former. Even at that time. Especially at this time ... As winter day, a young Man goes Avenue. He is wearing a raincoat American model and carries in her hand a can of gasoline. Alain Escoffier is 28 years old (he was born October 25, 1949), he is married to an East German refugee. Bank employee, he is a member of the New Forces Party and contributed to European Elite which he was a founding member and impact to the newspaper. He entered the premises of the Soviet airline, gasoline and watered strikes a match. As the flames devouring his body, he has the strength to scream one last sentence, his political testament: "Communists, murderers ! .

Alain Escoffier The gesture is not without symbolic significance. It is placed in tandem with that of three Czech patriots: Jan Palach, Ian Zajik and Evzen Plocek. On 16 January 1969, the first set themselves on fire Wenceslas Square in Prague to protest against the Soviet invasion of his country. He died three days later after his injuries. He was 20 years. The second will be the same gesture at the same location on February 25: he was 18. The third will follow them in death April 4, he was 40 years. The impact is immense, not only in France but also in Italy and in Eastern Europe. Our brothers from the East, Unlike the West, are in the gesture of sacrifice Alain, evidence that has not forgotten. By cons, and here in the West, the same tapes circulating in the mantle. A singer whose songs are ostracized in France circulated clandestinely in Poland where they have a great success: Jean-Pax Méfret. February 12, 1977, avenue des Champs-Elysees: French patriots led by Michel Collinot want to lay a wreath of roses in the offices of Aeroflot. The police repression Giscardian is dazzling. Rapid and logical. The globalist VGE, Rockefeller henchman, is it not considered by the Soviets as more "reliable" that Mitterrand? Has not appointed to the Matignon super-globalist, trilateral Raymond Barre, who has never made any secret of his Sovietophilia? Punishment is fierce and brutal. Alain Boinet, a militant nationalist, wants to remove the wreath: it will be violently beaten by the "forces of order". Wanting to rescue her, Jean-Claude Noury suffer the same fate. The showcase of the airline is smashed: police had thrown a young patriot (it seems unfortunate that the "human bullet" was Lawrence Marshals). A "Committee Alain Escoffier" is created, 77 persons including the writer Jean Raspail, the cartoonist Pierre Pinatel or double resistant Sergeant Peter signed an open letter in which they castigated the vile behavior of the press: "It is dishonest to present Alain Escoffier as a fanatic or a extremist. It was a quiet and thoughtful boy. His decision reflected a policy choice. He chose this extreme that it is regrettable is that he considered the situation of Eastern European countries as extreme. "

Indeed, the French press, who never hid his sympathy for communism, rivals of abjection. The Tass launch even a version completely delusional facts: a commando of the extreme right would have doused with gasoline Alain Escoffier would have fired, and would have propelled the premises. Their lackeys tricolor Humanity eager to resume word for word the Soviet version and misleading (redundancy) of the facts. Humanity is the kind of newspapers that lack of a better, sometimes even writing the truth. This time, humanity will be more conventional: just like the USSR, as in the Second World War is the lie built into a dogma, a genetic predisposition in the newspaper founded with the millions of Rothschild and brothers Louis-Dreyfus to name a few ... The only political movement that makes an insult to the dead and the desecration of graves a means of activism, the leftist ironisèrent on "This fascist who was now blown." It was the time when the CRL Krivine had not become anti-Soviet tactics. Thirty years later, many leftists of the era have become notable liberal socialism or social liberalism, in short, the WSPU. Much fatter, much richer, but still always ideologically and maleficent - if not genetically - anti-French. Two arms, one brain. Protocols in nomine ... February 23, 1977: 1500 people attended the funeral Mass which was celebrated by Father Bayot. A large meeting is organized to Mutuality. Three members of weight "Committee Escoffier, Collinot Michel Bernard Antony and Jean-Pierre Stirbois, decided to join the National Front, whose president, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has just pay tribute to the sacrifice. Four days later, the same Mutuality that leave the faithful came to liberate Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet. The flames raged our comrade were glimmers of dawn nationalist rich in promise. Thirty years later, they were not all disappointed ...

As Alain Escoffier followed the example of Czech, another followed his European patriot. On 25 April 1995 on the Lenbach Platz in Munich, Reinhold Elstner immolated by fire to protest against the false charges that the Allies did against the German people. Note that in his farewell letter, Elstner quoted the third "Just Jewish" recorded in history. Three more than seventy years of communism! After the lawyer Mr. Mendelssohn after the captain of the Red Army companion Gulag Solzhenitsyn, we have the Jewish uncle, family friend Elstner, which protects civilians during the German massacres of May 1945. Three trees planted, it will not make a big bill botanist ... He also took the opportunity to thank the Jewish woman doctor who took care of pleurisy when he was a slave in a death camp Soviet Gorky. Driven from his homeland (he came from the Sudetenland), never having been a member of the NSDAP and having been a soldier in the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front, he had evidence that a horrible crime attributed his people in Ukraine that was Faribole propaganda. Not having had the opportunity to tell the truth, who also blamed the crimes of certain Nazi organizations, believing that the German people was as guilty (no more, no less) of the SS atrocities that the Jewish people was the those of the NKVD. Elstner has chosen a horrible death for the love of truth. He wanted it illuminates the world and no one wanted to see her, he lit himself on the night of the darkness by becoming human torch. He joined the pantheon of martyred children of a nation that was well punished for his crimes from 1919 to 1945 ...

rock band Italian Compagnia dell'Anello (named in homage to the very reactionary and racialist Tolkien) has dedicated a song "Champs-Elysees, a stifled cry in the middle of Paris, a young burned. Champs-Elysees, the Seine mean, who sings in silence but not grief. Heart of Europe, you beat a second, then in the Rue aux Champs-Elysees. Heart of Europe, Champs Elysees, replied in chorus Rome and Brussels. "No, he did not die" said the Seine, Rhine says, "I took with me," sing the Alps "is with us, "shouted the fjords" it is us. " The woods of the mountains, the Black Forest whisper softly "some still have hope" in Prague, silent, on the square there is Jan, who smiled quietly: "He is alive and with me." A name, a name for Europe because now lives a hero on the Champs-Elysees: Alain Escoffier, Alain Escoffier, Alain Escoffier, Alain Escoffier ... "