(Caption: Ingrind Rimland, wife of dissident Canadian Ernst Zündel. His whole family except his mother was exterminated by Jews in 1941)
The latest events in Hungary, Germany, Poland, Belgium or Thailand or Japan leads us to reflect again on the memory and the transmission of the same. Events without a priori relationship between them, lead us to bring new elements to what we wrote in The Letters of September Fersen on the opposition between our memory and their memory. How not to be moved to see that in Mecklenburg, Poland, Hungary, regions that have experienced twice the horror Communist (partial in 1919, total 1945), young still crazy, without political consciousness certainly pegged to the body but with the instinct of survival, struggle as they can against what is the very symbol of what we condemn: former collaborators of Moscow became the collaborators of Washington, sister twin of materialism teratogen.
In Ukraine, the huge mass graves have now been updated in the indifference of the West. A Bykovina, a mass grave containing 300,000 corpses has been examined. It follows a similar mass grave discovered in St. Petersburg and containing 100,000 corpses. We knew there had been massacres at this location corpses have been unearthed. Recovered by Soviet propaganda, a monument against the "Nazi barbarity" had been erected this house in May 1988. At the request of the people, who knew that the Germans were innocent, a new survey was conducted. However, the discovery of the Ukrainian government commission released in August shows that the culprits were not Nazis but Soviet. Elements found on the corpses, including coins, uniforms, show the victims were Polish soldiers and civilians captured in 1939 but Ukraine also victims of mass killings of the NKVD. Remember, as we have already said in this newspaper, that Ukraine had been bled white by two genocides: one, planned by the Politburo at its meeting on 5 January 1930, the second, planned at the meeting Vinnitsa June 17, 1937. Stalin signed, but it was not he the instigator. The real father of the Ukrainian Holocaust is his brother, Lazarus Moïsevitch Kaganovich, who at the meeting of Vinnitsa, said that since the Ukrainians were ill-Marxist and remained Christians, they should be exterminated. Other corpses of Polish prisoners of war were discovered murdered in Vladimir, near the old prison of the NKVD: hundreds of people executed by a bullet in the neck. This information was of course totally overlooked in France and even in Western countries. In France, only the brave dissident historian and publisher Jean Plantin had the courage to publish a book on the second Ukrainian genocide, that of 1937. Out of Ukraine, only Poland (and for good reason) to be disclosed. And because the corpses were not interesting. They were not Jews ... Worse, they had been killed by the Jews, because all the senior executives of the NKVD and the quasi-totality of prison officials in Ukraine were Jews, as we have already demonstrated in numerous articles. Communism is the application of Talmudic racism. Without the help of occult Jewish American finance, the Western media and Western cinema as their blood brothers, if not of ideas held (and still hold) a prominent place, such a massacre could not have been possible. If the Germans are paying today for the Nazis, then the Jews of today have to pay for communism. These findings arrive just as the denial (in the sense: that denies a crime against humanity whatever) Communist Annie Lacroix-Riz (great admirer of Stalin praised by Le Monde Diplomatique) has a terrible support network As we have seen in the editorial of No. 188. Ministers note that the "right" let it spread its propaganda with impunity. Logic, capitalism has always been stateless most faithful ally of communism, from Marx that Rothschild financed.
A flood of emotion overwhelms me when I think back to what we suffered our brothers and sisters East, killed a second time by the denial of memory. Murdered the first time in their flesh. The same horrors that come anywhere, any place, from the earliest days until the last. We think little girls raped Hungarian Catholic schools under the guise of "hygiene lesson" by the henchmen of Aaron Cohen said, "Bela Kun." We think of the skeletal Ukrainian children starving with their parents by the men of Lazarus Kaganovich and his right arm Ukrainian Solomon Perlmutter said, "Nikita Khrushchev." We believe these experiments on human beings made by "doctors" Monside Weinstein and under the authority of the head of the department of toxicology of the NKVD, David Talmud, obedient to his chief, Yagoda. And inhumane torture against students of Christian schools closed planned by Anna Pauker Rabinsohn wife ... The 15,000 women and children raped and Italian thrown alive from a cliff by the soldiers to Dolines Weiss alias alias Broz Tito. " All in the name of the ideology of Kiessel Mordechai said Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Lev Bronstein said, "Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Ulyanov-Blank says" Lenin "and the contribution of Joseph Djougtschvili (meaning The son of a Jew) called "Stalin" In Russia, Poland, the Baltic States, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Spain, the same names coming back, the symbols of the guilt of an entire people ... killed a second time their souls by destroying their memory. At first, communist crimes were flatly denied. Then they were reduced to Stalin alone with a tremendous denial campaign we'll summarize. Any serious historian knows that Lenin and Trotsky have committed crimes equivalent to those horrors attributed to Stalin: famines, mass murders, concentration camps for children, barbarous tortures, purges, experiments on humans, the daily bread they were already pre-Stalinist communism. Stalin is interesting in that he was less dogmatic than the other two monsters, more "human" and certainly less visibly linked to Judaism, and very little to the Talmud, being kind of Zionist. In short, the ideal scapegoat. So Stalin was loaded and was accused of having misled communism, of being "anti-Semite" ... will come when we will declare it "right", "fascist" ... And that's how they kill a second time from Tens of millions of Christians martyred by Jews and Communists by hoisting some of their tormentors in their place on the shield media. Imagine if the head of the Jews were accused of having misled Hitler National Socialism and its crimes limited to the Night of Long Knives and purges of 1944 ... Stalinism is just an invention of the racist Talmudic denial and did not other purpose than to falsify history to clear of guilt some people who made his stock in trade of victimization. Jews were never persecuted in the USSR as were Christians. Note that while many Christians saved the Jews under Hitler, not a Jew a Christian saved under communism as they had many more opportunities (let's be honest, it was exactly TWO y'en, including one - Capitan Red Army - ended in the Gulag . Two more than 70 years). Of course, in the present context, one can only cry of rage and helplessness in such a shame, but who knows what the future will bring? One day, perhaps, finally, they sincerely ask forgiveness? This is unlikely to occur only after a major cataclysm and a total defeat of Israel, similar to the Nibelungen German 1945. The recent IDF to defeat Hezbollah shows that they are not invincible. Their people are beginning to crack, their end is closer than you think.
There is a woman who I would particularly like to pay tribute. I was looking for an opportunity to do so, and it will be here. This is Ingrid Rimland, wife of dissident Germano-Canadian Ernst Zündel. For those familiar with his biography, there is indeed a link between its history and the previous one. A difference of a few weeks and a few kilometers, but still damned in the marshes on the borders of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine, where many trees planted their roots non-secular in mass graves. After the small German community in Ukraine, she saw in 1941 the Jews exterminated his father, uncles, aunts, cousins, his cousins. His mother was the only survivor of the family. In 1943, she decided to put her daughter away before the return of the executioners. To return to Germany, Ingrid had to go through Poland, fleeing the Red Army had been ordered to kill and rape women and children. Cruel paradox of war and the vortex of tragedy it entails. A little German girl, shivering with cold and hunger, mourning his father murdered by the Jews, which may lie a few kilometers Jewish girl shivering in a camp of hunger and cold, crying his dad murdered by the Germans ... The only difference is that in 1945, nobody has wiped the tears of small Ingrid. It has rebuilt her life in the United States, teaching gifted children, writing books on the subject, dealing with attention to his son Erwin severely disabled and helping her husband being jailed for blasphemy. It is in horrors she saw that she drew the strength to fight.
The time has come to light of another story, to dismantle the confiscation process from memory. We talked about Wikipedia in The Letters Fersen and there had reported that, ma non troppo, there was a certain freedom. But this freedom is monitored and here as elsewhere, the extreme left yesterday. This last has found a way to stifle any dissenting voice: the fetishism of the diploma. In the past, leftists spitting on diplomas, hated symbols in their eyes of bourgeois elitism. Now they require the display of skins of donkeys and degrees as once scanned the blue-blooded pedigree. And for good reason: they got their hands on the University and they are the ones that grant diplomas, appropriating a self-respectability. Obviously, we have seen enough not to return, the Nationalists are, since about 1981, completely ousted from any position in education and culture. The question "sources" is also a clever way to muzzle the debate: any source of extreme left is considered reliable sources nationalist is rejected. Reflexes, Ras l'Front, The Humanity are accepted, Rivarol is rejected. It always comes back to the same thing: to kill the other, more needed shot in the neck: it is enough to kill his memory. The main front is here and nowhere else. This is why at a European level, the comrades should skim the booksellers, the old library, the haunting circles of the diaspora and exiles. Do talk to witnesses, exhuming of forgetting the old books that tell their experiences, which had already said everything. For the D-Day, when a country has been released, a flood of reissues overwhelms bookstores and schools, sweeping the official story and allowing victims to be heard.
The struggle for memory, for justice and truth is a struggle without thank you, in which we can not afford any pity. We lost the battle for memory for three reasons we can not stress enough that we developed in No. 204 and that we recall here. Three reasons are obviously interrelated. We lost the battle for memory because we lost the propaganda battle and we lost the battle of propaganda because we lost the battle of money. Excluded from all possible sources of funding, can not get his message by means other than small samizdat certainly necessary but not widely distributed. There are of course the Internet, free access, but where too much information kills the info. The conclusion has not changed since the last time: only foreign financing is possible in the present context. And now, only one country is likely to give a helping hand to Iran, whose geopolitical concerns led him to become interested in our memory. All without being fooled by the underlying intentions of Tehran, but what do you want, when you are starving and that brings you to eat, even if you know the hand that feeds you does so for reasons totally interested You eat it anyway. Survival comes first. We also lost two battles because of a certain lack of pugnacity, due to the miasma of the last bourgeois spirit and the fetish of respectability. The subject was discussed at the time, we quote just for the record.
It comes down to the ultimate question, what to do? How to repair decades of denial kosher? How to do justice to the victims while the executioners were killed with impunity, the political heirs of Stalin the butcher typing in hand with those of Roosevelt and Churchill the deli tripe (with the help of the fifth wheel, De Gaulle, who sweeps the shop) and pork that would forfeit. It is of course impossible now to the Nuremberg communism. But tough measures, and to be even tougher because of the delay, must be applied. The first that comes to mind is the immediate neutralization of the network that allowed the blackout for years about the horrors of communism. It implies the following: national indignity, suppression of rights to pension, decorations, titles and pensions and civil rights, confiscation of all those who made the apology of Communist Crimes (applying what is considered " glorification of Nazism ") and all the ministers, the president of the University and other are protected, they have returned to their positions or not (this also to neutralize those who, skillfully turned their jackets, fly instead of genuine resistance to communism). Dissolution of any movement, party, trade union, who collaborated with communism or calling them and exclusion of all members of the public. Order follows that of September 30, 1944 and confiscating newspapers that have collaborated with communism and businesses and banks who funded, but also television, radio and film studios. Obviously, on behalf of jurisprudence, Israel must dismantle its nuclear arsenal and chemical, pay compensation to victims of communism in European countries 1/6.000.000e equal to what the Germans pay multiplied by the number of deaths in each country (roughly-speaking, Ukraine will receive double what Israel has received) and deliver a similar proportion of economic plants and equipment to be shared among countries of the former Eastern bloc, including Russia. The sums thus collected will be used to create an international foundation for the duty of remembrance. Necessary measures but without bloodshed. Needless to Israel to extradite Morel and Bubis to hang these old cacochyme, world opprobrium that will hover over their name will be enough to do justice.
To ensure that victims can rest in peace, for justice, we must continue to fight to regain our memory, our history, our freedom. In Antwerp, Warsaw, Rostock, Bykovina in Marignane, Budapest, Stockholm, Padua, Barking and Dagenham, we walk side by side. That our girls are blondes like wheat from Ukraine, like brown sienna or red as the sunset over the Irish Sea, they have eyes as blue as the Danube, as our forest green, brown as our chestnuts or gray as the skies over London, they are sisters. That our shirt is green, brown, gray, black, navy, blue sky, we put one knee next to a priest, a priest or pastor, that our symbols are the sun gear, the cross Celtic, Sacred Heart, the sticks of Burgundy, the fasces or the five arrows is the land of Russia, a country where the martyr was a den of filth that was fertilized with the blood of our comrades. And he who, sword in hand, struggled against the wild Beast is my brother, his name is Francesco, Enzo, Dimitri Hans, Martijn Mauritius Izvan, Corneliu, Leon, Kaarel, or Stanislaus ... Toms (small knock on the door: hello, is Mansour, your cousin from Iran. I can go? I have a letter from Bosnian Vahid's cousin and the cousin Burim Albanians who say not to forget their service ...)
The latest events in Hungary, Germany, Poland, Belgium or Thailand or Japan leads us to reflect again on the memory and the transmission of the same. Events without a priori relationship between them, lead us to bring new elements to what we wrote in The Letters of September Fersen on the opposition between our memory and their memory. How not to be moved to see that in Mecklenburg, Poland, Hungary, regions that have experienced twice the horror Communist (partial in 1919, total 1945), young still crazy, without political consciousness certainly pegged to the body but with the instinct of survival, struggle as they can against what is the very symbol of what we condemn: former collaborators of Moscow became the collaborators of Washington, sister twin of materialism teratogen.
In Ukraine, the huge mass graves have now been updated in the indifference of the West. A Bykovina, a mass grave containing 300,000 corpses has been examined. It follows a similar mass grave discovered in St. Petersburg and containing 100,000 corpses. We knew there had been massacres at this location corpses have been unearthed. Recovered by Soviet propaganda, a monument against the "Nazi barbarity" had been erected this house in May 1988. At the request of the people, who knew that the Germans were innocent, a new survey was conducted. However, the discovery of the Ukrainian government commission released in August shows that the culprits were not Nazis but Soviet. Elements found on the corpses, including coins, uniforms, show the victims were Polish soldiers and civilians captured in 1939 but Ukraine also victims of mass killings of the NKVD. Remember, as we have already said in this newspaper, that Ukraine had been bled white by two genocides: one, planned by the Politburo at its meeting on 5 January 1930, the second, planned at the meeting Vinnitsa June 17, 1937. Stalin signed, but it was not he the instigator. The real father of the Ukrainian Holocaust is his brother, Lazarus Moïsevitch Kaganovich, who at the meeting of Vinnitsa, said that since the Ukrainians were ill-Marxist and remained Christians, they should be exterminated. Other corpses of Polish prisoners of war were discovered murdered in Vladimir, near the old prison of the NKVD: hundreds of people executed by a bullet in the neck. This information was of course totally overlooked in France and even in Western countries. In France, only the brave dissident historian and publisher Jean Plantin had the courage to publish a book on the second Ukrainian genocide, that of 1937. Out of Ukraine, only Poland (and for good reason) to be disclosed. And because the corpses were not interesting. They were not Jews ... Worse, they had been killed by the Jews, because all the senior executives of the NKVD and the quasi-totality of prison officials in Ukraine were Jews, as we have already demonstrated in numerous articles. Communism is the application of Talmudic racism. Without the help of occult Jewish American finance, the Western media and Western cinema as their blood brothers, if not of ideas held (and still hold) a prominent place, such a massacre could not have been possible. If the Germans are paying today for the Nazis, then the Jews of today have to pay for communism. These findings arrive just as the denial (in the sense: that denies a crime against humanity whatever) Communist Annie Lacroix-Riz (great admirer of Stalin praised by Le Monde Diplomatique) has a terrible support network As we have seen in the editorial of No. 188. Ministers note that the "right" let it spread its propaganda with impunity. Logic, capitalism has always been stateless most faithful ally of communism, from Marx that Rothschild financed.
A flood of emotion overwhelms me when I think back to what we suffered our brothers and sisters East, killed a second time by the denial of memory. Murdered the first time in their flesh. The same horrors that come anywhere, any place, from the earliest days until the last. We think little girls raped Hungarian Catholic schools under the guise of "hygiene lesson" by the henchmen of Aaron Cohen said, "Bela Kun." We think of the skeletal Ukrainian children starving with their parents by the men of Lazarus Kaganovich and his right arm Ukrainian Solomon Perlmutter said, "Nikita Khrushchev." We believe these experiments on human beings made by "doctors" Monside Weinstein and under the authority of the head of the department of toxicology of the NKVD, David Talmud, obedient to his chief, Yagoda. And inhumane torture against students of Christian schools closed planned by Anna Pauker Rabinsohn wife ... The 15,000 women and children raped and Italian thrown alive from a cliff by the soldiers to Dolines Weiss alias alias Broz Tito. " All in the name of the ideology of Kiessel Mordechai said Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Lev Bronstein said, "Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Ulyanov-Blank says" Lenin "and the contribution of Joseph Djougtschvili (meaning The son of a Jew) called "Stalin" In Russia, Poland, the Baltic States, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Spain, the same names coming back, the symbols of the guilt of an entire people ... killed a second time their souls by destroying their memory. At first, communist crimes were flatly denied. Then they were reduced to Stalin alone with a tremendous denial campaign we'll summarize. Any serious historian knows that Lenin and Trotsky have committed crimes equivalent to those horrors attributed to Stalin: famines, mass murders, concentration camps for children, barbarous tortures, purges, experiments on humans, the daily bread they were already pre-Stalinist communism. Stalin is interesting in that he was less dogmatic than the other two monsters, more "human" and certainly less visibly linked to Judaism, and very little to the Talmud, being kind of Zionist. In short, the ideal scapegoat. So Stalin was loaded and was accused of having misled communism, of being "anti-Semite" ... will come when we will declare it "right", "fascist" ... And that's how they kill a second time from Tens of millions of Christians martyred by Jews and Communists by hoisting some of their tormentors in their place on the shield media. Imagine if the head of the Jews were accused of having misled Hitler National Socialism and its crimes limited to the Night of Long Knives and purges of 1944 ... Stalinism is just an invention of the racist Talmudic denial and did not other purpose than to falsify history to clear of guilt some people who made his stock in trade of victimization. Jews were never persecuted in the USSR as were Christians. Note that while many Christians saved the Jews under Hitler, not a Jew a Christian saved under communism as they had many more opportunities (let's be honest, it was exactly TWO y'en, including one - Capitan Red Army - ended in the Gulag . Two more than 70 years). Of course, in the present context, one can only cry of rage and helplessness in such a shame, but who knows what the future will bring? One day, perhaps, finally, they sincerely ask forgiveness? This is unlikely to occur only after a major cataclysm and a total defeat of Israel, similar to the Nibelungen German 1945. The recent IDF to defeat Hezbollah shows that they are not invincible. Their people are beginning to crack, their end is closer than you think.
There is a woman who I would particularly like to pay tribute. I was looking for an opportunity to do so, and it will be here. This is Ingrid Rimland, wife of dissident Germano-Canadian Ernst Zündel. For those familiar with his biography, there is indeed a link between its history and the previous one. A difference of a few weeks and a few kilometers, but still damned in the marshes on the borders of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine, where many trees planted their roots non-secular in mass graves. After the small German community in Ukraine, she saw in 1941 the Jews exterminated his father, uncles, aunts, cousins, his cousins. His mother was the only survivor of the family. In 1943, she decided to put her daughter away before the return of the executioners. To return to Germany, Ingrid had to go through Poland, fleeing the Red Army had been ordered to kill and rape women and children. Cruel paradox of war and the vortex of tragedy it entails. A little German girl, shivering with cold and hunger, mourning his father murdered by the Jews, which may lie a few kilometers Jewish girl shivering in a camp of hunger and cold, crying his dad murdered by the Germans ... The only difference is that in 1945, nobody has wiped the tears of small Ingrid. It has rebuilt her life in the United States, teaching gifted children, writing books on the subject, dealing with attention to his son Erwin severely disabled and helping her husband being jailed for blasphemy. It is in horrors she saw that she drew the strength to fight.
The time has come to light of another story, to dismantle the confiscation process from memory. We talked about Wikipedia in The Letters Fersen and there had reported that, ma non troppo, there was a certain freedom. But this freedom is monitored and here as elsewhere, the extreme left yesterday. This last has found a way to stifle any dissenting voice: the fetishism of the diploma. In the past, leftists spitting on diplomas, hated symbols in their eyes of bourgeois elitism. Now they require the display of skins of donkeys and degrees as once scanned the blue-blooded pedigree. And for good reason: they got their hands on the University and they are the ones that grant diplomas, appropriating a self-respectability. Obviously, we have seen enough not to return, the Nationalists are, since about 1981, completely ousted from any position in education and culture. The question "sources" is also a clever way to muzzle the debate: any source of extreme left is considered reliable sources nationalist is rejected. Reflexes, Ras l'Front, The Humanity are accepted, Rivarol is rejected. It always comes back to the same thing: to kill the other, more needed shot in the neck: it is enough to kill his memory. The main front is here and nowhere else. This is why at a European level, the comrades should skim the booksellers, the old library, the haunting circles of the diaspora and exiles. Do talk to witnesses, exhuming of forgetting the old books that tell their experiences, which had already said everything. For the D-Day, when a country has been released, a flood of reissues overwhelms bookstores and schools, sweeping the official story and allowing victims to be heard.
The struggle for memory, for justice and truth is a struggle without thank you, in which we can not afford any pity. We lost the battle for memory for three reasons we can not stress enough that we developed in No. 204 and that we recall here. Three reasons are obviously interrelated. We lost the battle for memory because we lost the propaganda battle and we lost the battle of propaganda because we lost the battle of money. Excluded from all possible sources of funding, can not get his message by means other than small samizdat certainly necessary but not widely distributed. There are of course the Internet, free access, but where too much information kills the info. The conclusion has not changed since the last time: only foreign financing is possible in the present context. And now, only one country is likely to give a helping hand to Iran, whose geopolitical concerns led him to become interested in our memory. All without being fooled by the underlying intentions of Tehran, but what do you want, when you are starving and that brings you to eat, even if you know the hand that feeds you does so for reasons totally interested You eat it anyway. Survival comes first. We also lost two battles because of a certain lack of pugnacity, due to the miasma of the last bourgeois spirit and the fetish of respectability. The subject was discussed at the time, we quote just for the record.
It comes down to the ultimate question, what to do? How to repair decades of denial kosher? How to do justice to the victims while the executioners were killed with impunity, the political heirs of Stalin the butcher typing in hand with those of Roosevelt and Churchill the deli tripe (with the help of the fifth wheel, De Gaulle, who sweeps the shop) and pork that would forfeit. It is of course impossible now to the Nuremberg communism. But tough measures, and to be even tougher because of the delay, must be applied. The first that comes to mind is the immediate neutralization of the network that allowed the blackout for years about the horrors of communism. It implies the following: national indignity, suppression of rights to pension, decorations, titles and pensions and civil rights, confiscation of all those who made the apology of Communist Crimes (applying what is considered " glorification of Nazism ") and all the ministers, the president of the University and other are protected, they have returned to their positions or not (this also to neutralize those who, skillfully turned their jackets, fly instead of genuine resistance to communism). Dissolution of any movement, party, trade union, who collaborated with communism or calling them and exclusion of all members of the public. Order follows that of September 30, 1944 and confiscating newspapers that have collaborated with communism and businesses and banks who funded, but also television, radio and film studios. Obviously, on behalf of jurisprudence, Israel must dismantle its nuclear arsenal and chemical, pay compensation to victims of communism in European countries 1/6.000.000e equal to what the Germans pay multiplied by the number of deaths in each country (roughly-speaking, Ukraine will receive double what Israel has received) and deliver a similar proportion of economic plants and equipment to be shared among countries of the former Eastern bloc, including Russia. The sums thus collected will be used to create an international foundation for the duty of remembrance. Necessary measures but without bloodshed. Needless to Israel to extradite Morel and Bubis to hang these old cacochyme, world opprobrium that will hover over their name will be enough to do justice.
To ensure that victims can rest in peace, for justice, we must continue to fight to regain our memory, our history, our freedom. In Antwerp, Warsaw, Rostock, Bykovina in Marignane, Budapest, Stockholm, Padua, Barking and Dagenham, we walk side by side. That our girls are blondes like wheat from Ukraine, like brown sienna or red as the sunset over the Irish Sea, they have eyes as blue as the Danube, as our forest green, brown as our chestnuts or gray as the skies over London, they are sisters. That our shirt is green, brown, gray, black, navy, blue sky, we put one knee next to a priest, a priest or pastor, that our symbols are the sun gear, the cross Celtic, Sacred Heart, the sticks of Burgundy, the fasces or the five arrows is the land of Russia, a country where the martyr was a den of filth that was fertilized with the blood of our comrades. And he who, sword in hand, struggled against the wild Beast is my brother, his name is Francesco, Enzo, Dimitri Hans, Martijn Mauritius Izvan, Corneliu, Leon, Kaarel, or Stanislaus ... Toms (small knock on the door: hello, is Mansour, your cousin from Iran. I can go? I have a letter from Bosnian Vahid's cousin and the cousin Burim Albanians who say not to forget their service ...)
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