Friday, May 28, 2010

Troy Online Slot Machine

Tyrannybook, Facebook, which monitors the Tyrants

Tyrannybook, Facebook, which monitors the Tyrants

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Message For 21stmale Birthday Card

state of mind, Isolation of Lamartine

Often on the mountain, in the shade of old oak
At sunset, I sit sadly, I
random walk my eyes on the plain, Whose
changing table takes place at my feet.
Here the river roars
the foaming waves;
It winds, sinking into a distant and obscure
There the motionless lake extends its backwaters
Where the evening star rises in the sky.

On top of these mountains crowned with dark woods, dusk still throws
The last rays;
And the misty chariot of the queen of shadows
Monte, and the edges of white already ahead.

However, springing from the Gothic spire, religious
sound spreads through the air:
The traveler stops and the bell sounds rustic
For the last day of saints mixed concerts.

But these sweet pictures my soul feels
indifferent to them or charm or transport;
I contemplate the earth and a wandering shadow
Le soleil des vivants n'échauffe plus les morts.

De colline en colline en vain portant ma vue,
Du sud à l'aquilon, de l'aurore au couchant,
Je parcours tous les points de l'immense étendue,
Et je dis : " Nulle part le bonheur ne m'attend. "

Que me font ces vallons, ces palais, ces chaumières,
Vains objets dont pour moi le charme est envolé ?
Fleuves, rochers, forêts, solitudes si chères,
Un seul être vous manque, et tout est dépeuplé !

Que le tour du soleil ou commence ou s'achève,
D'un oeil indifférent je le suis dans son cours ;
En un ciel sombre ou True he sets or rises, the sun
matter? I expect nothing days.

When I could follow him in his extensive career,
My eyes would see everywhere and empty deserts
I do not want none of that light;
I ask nothing of the vast universe.

But perhaps beyond the limits of his sphere,
Places where the sun shines true in other lands,
If I could leave my body to the earth,
What I have dreamed would seem to me !

There I was intoxicated at the source to which I aspire;
Here, I would find hope and and love,
And this ideal property that every soul desires,
And who does not name the land stay!

Why can not I, borne on the chariot of Aurora,
Wave object of my wishes, Be running up to you! On
exile why I still remained?
There is nothing in common between the earth and me.

when the sheet of wood falls on the Prairie
The evening breeze rises and snatches the valleys;
And I'm like the withered leaf:
Take me as her stormy north winds!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A List Of Shiny Pokemon

Nocturne in broad daylight

When the sleep suns in our humble coats
In the dark world that shape our bodies,
Nerves see in us what our eyes We know
above the bottom of our flesh slower
They inhabit our distant from their shiny grass
Snatching the trembling flesh of aurora.

is the world where space is because of our blood.
birds dyed red and always recurring
Have difficulty flying near the heart that leads
And that can not move away from perishing
For it is that we are the cruellest plains
Where the it dies of thirst nearly incorrect fountains.

And so we will, among other men, sometimes speaking
Some in the ears of others.

Jules Supervielle , The Fable of the world

Friday, May 7, 2010

What Shoes Did Cael Sanderson

A country night with complete success on the whole line took place at the Knights of Columbus D'Iberville, Saturday May 1. Claude

By: Melina The Acadian

Mado Soucy Richard Langelier and we have once again demonstrated that with a job well done, the results are reciprocal.

Richard who in addition to introduce his guests, gave us the best of himself in song at the opening of the evening, followed by Luc Poulin repertoire of classic American country and pioneers. Then came the turn of Viateur Caron, who by his superb performance was very well fill the void of his absence for a period of 8 years in our area, so you can imagine the welcome and the public euphoria that the waiting with open arms. Diane Pepin for its part continues to be dynamic with various songs, giving and sharing as much on stage with her audience that she was able to do during his 20 years of animation radio, which is why it is so And finally appreciated to close, a local artist known for over thirty years is, Johnny Lewis has managed to keep well and lead the public to the buffet majestic and so carefully prepared by Mado organizer.

The musical direction was entrusted to the multi-instrumentalist Rheal Robert and his team: The Pages of the country, who themselves have cherished their songs Casual between shows. Rheal's even the opportunity to offer us a musical like no other with his mandolin. A high-quality note: the sound was a rarity appropriate for the occasion.

I am pleased to tell you all even if only to give a taste to all those who will go to another event of its kind on May 15 in Lac Megantic (see the ad in the section shows to see "here on this blog). Richard will be back here in the region in October.

could be heard only good positive feedback from the public when they are approached or even if it was listening on the subject to one another during intermissions or other comments that also continued yesterday in the Salle des Chevaliers de Rougemont, where I runs every Sunday .... Richard and then Bravo Mado!